Friday, November 12, 2010

Narrative Form

Hey Gang! Hope this blog finds you well! As we prepare for informative speeches, the book reminds us that several different organizational patterns are effective for longer speeches: Chronological order, spatial order, casue and effect order and circular arrangement. In addition, we find the narrative, a story telling device. One way to organize a good speech is as a story might unfold. Twists and turns, a clever plot and an unexpected ending! Think of the best form for your speech organization and, in the meantime, help us create a clever narrative here. I will begin our story and each person posting should continue to advance the narrative (tell the story)--There are two rules: 1. You must use the name of someone in the class and 2. Use vivid, active language. Type aproximately one paragraph please to keep the story developing!

Public Speaking Nightmare
--by the 301 class that meets in the metal shop

One night Sandra was locking up the metal shop (the mysterious classroom used for speeches, yet filled with metal working supplies where her fabulous class met twice weekly). All of the students except Anthony and Beatrice had left for the evening. Sandra didn't realize they were still inside and she locked it up and set the alarm for the night. Little did she know, it would freeze that evening and with the fan constantly running in the metal shop, it would be below zero for several hours. Anthony became delirious and fell on top of his textbook when he realized what happened, but Beatrice had a plan. It required the most important speech she would  ever make and the use of a very tall, cold steel ladder. She must..................... (next story teller jump in!)


  1. first reach the ladder that happened to be in the highest spot in the class. The ladder was on top of a wall that could only be reached by Maurice. Beatrice knew the only way to get Maurice inside to help was to make a wish to her fairy Godmother Stephanie. Stephanie was the sweetest Godmother that wore a beautiful glittery dress that made a sparkling noise everytime she moved. Beatrice wished and wished and suddenly Maurice appeared to save the day.....(next story teller jump in!)

    -Brittany S.-

  2. but alas it was not to be... Maurice became so excited about what had just transpired that he suffered a massive stroke and dropped dead on the spot! Our fairy godmother Stephanie upon witnessing such a turn of events became so distraught that she vanished into thin air never to be seen again. (next story teller jump on in!)

  3. ....while Maurice lay dead, Anthony miraculously woke up! He was very disoriented while taking in the horrific scene in the classroom! Pacing back and forth, he yelled out in desperation! While all of a sudden, Spencer (with his amazing strength) just happened to be walking by, heard the cry for help and tried pushing the door loose!...(next story teller jump in)!!!

    -Alison Koreis

  4. ...only to remember, just a second too late, that the door had a large glass window which extended almost its entire width and height. With a tremendous crash, Spencer flew through the door and landed on the floor. The way out was clear, but now Spencer lay wounded on the floor, next to Maurice's lifeless corpse.

    The loud crash and the louder burglar alarm brought Elizabeth to the scene. Gasping in shock, she knelt next to Spencer and tried to tend his wounds.

    "The ladder!" screamed Beatrice, "I still need the ladder!"...(next storyteller jump in)

    -Erik Weber

  5. Wow, what a time to come in.

    ..."How am I gonna reach the jelly donut hanging from the ceiling?" Alison, also nearby, ran into the room and to help carry everyone out. Alison managed to convice Beatrice to forget about the donut. Elizabeth and Alison was able to pull everyone aside, making sure everyone was safely exiting the room. Anthony however, was still dazed and confused at what happened. (Next storyteller jump in)

  6. ..So Allison tries to hypnotize Anthony, but suddenly Beatrice decides to go back inside to retrieve the jelly donut hanging from the ceiling. Despite Allison's successful attempt to convince Beatrice to forget the donut, Beatrice manages to grab the donut by using a latter that miraculously appeared in thin air. When Beatrice was about to get out, an alarm set off and there were laser beams shooting out everywhere in the classroom... (Next storyteller jump in!)

    -Nancy Yu

  7. Robert then army crawled his way in, making sure he wasn't hit by any of the laser beams....grabbing Anthony's leg to pull him to safety. When suddenly he heard a loud crash from the corner of the room. When he looked up, he saw Beverly hanging from the electrical plugs, she screamed for help, saying she was escaping from...... (next storyteller jump in..)


  8. from the large sock eating monster named Nancy who would stop at nothing to get every sock ever made. Nancy was a slithering oozing purple glop of monstrosity that stood 6 feet tall and had a terrifying gaze of a 1000 eyes. She was under the control of Mark, the evil sorcerer who wanted.....(next storyteller jump in_

  9. ...everyone to be obsessed with donuts and socks. Mark's plan was to have Nancy capture everyone wearing socks and stuff them with donuts until they could not breathe. However, a masked man named Nayyar knew Mark's evil plan and decided to warn everyone to not wear socks or eat donuts. It was too late, Beverly found a hypnosis donut and split it with everyone outside the shop. If no one could cure them in time, they would all turn into... (next storyteller jump in!)

  10. ...a fatter version of Kristy Alley (that is scary). Nayyar (the good sorcerer), opened up his magic book and summoned the almighty healthy god by the name of Sy. Sy told Nayyar to feed the ones affected with small portions of McDonald's chicken Caesar salad, and within eight days they would be cured. Sy then disappeared and then Nayyar heard Nancy coming towards him. He decided to fight Nancy by using his powers, unfortunately, ...(next storyteller jump in!)

  11. His powers were no match for Nancy the Sock Eater. Then all of a sudden Maurice jumped up from his dead like sleep and threw a bag of socks in the corner to distract Nancy. "You're alive!", screamed Alison. Just then Navpreet showed up to discover her classmates were in need of her help. She quickly..... (Next storyteller)

    Beverly White

  12. pulled out a gun and shot at Nancy. When Nancy got wounded, she became even more powerful and furious.Now the friends had to decide very quickly what to do otherwise their death was coming closer and closer. Suddenly, they had an idea.
    Vera Andrievskaya

  13. to call for help. Luckily, Romilla was carrying cell phone in her back pack, but she did not remember the contact number of the campus police. While Romilla was trying to remember the phone number, Nejat remember writing down the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in her note book.

    Nejat shared the EMS number with Romilla, but when Romilla dialed the number she was shocked to know the dispatcher don’t speak English. The communication dispatcher only speaks Chinese, so Romilla and Nejat were looking for help from thier classmates. Who is going to help Romilla & Nejat in this language barrier situation? (Next storyteller jumps in!)

    Nayyar Sarfaraz

  14. NO one came for help for a while. we were cold and worried. In the meantime,everyone was still inside the room and waiting for help;however,Nancy's power got stonger. We started to fear for our life but Spencer had a special power like a superman does. His power started to make us go dizzy.....

  15. and amazed everyone with his smart idea. Since Spencer know how to fly like a superman, he decided to wrap Nancy with a metal rope as strong as he could and as fast as he can, so she cannot move. However, Nancy has a power teeth that can eat the metal rope and she freed herself. Then, Vera the hero arrive. Luckily, She has first aid in her backpack.... (next person jump in)

  16. Vera was taking out her First Aid Kit she noticed she had mace in her bag. Trying not to be suspicious she pulled the mace out and hid it behind her. She handed the First Aid Kit to Nejat,then jumped up and sprayed the mace into all of Nancy's her eyes. Nancy shrieked in pain and fell over. Startled at Vera's sudden actions everyone was screaming huddled up in the corner...

  17. when a flash of light and the sound of thunder filled the sky, blowing off the roof! The elctrical storm finally shut down the loud fan that has been running non-stop in our weird metal-shop/speech classroom since August for no good reason. Fear and desperation drove Alison and Jeremy running for cover as they stold Sandra's keyless entry card and rushed past the other COMM 301 students fearfully clutching their ankels and holding onto their socks. "Why Nancy, why did you take our socks?" Pleaded Giovanna. Nancy began to weep and admitted she never really liked being a monster so Sandra asked Elizabeth to use the power of persuasive speaking to talk Nancy back into a regular Sac City speech student. Nancy gratefully filled in an outline and the storm subsided miraculously. Robert sang a beautiful rendition of "Morning has Broken" while Spencer strummed a guitar and as Brittney and Annalise performed synchronized swimming routines in the huge metal sinks of our metal shop classroom, they all lived happily ever after (but loudly ever after because of all the confident public speaking) THE END

  18. a good thing that Maurice had a cell phone and text the school police for help. Once the school police arrived they found the gang use the tools from the shop class to build a metal ladder and climbed out to safety. The instructor was so pleased that she gave Maurice an A+ in her class.

