Monday, December 6, 2010

Monroe and Farewell!

It has been so great to work with all of you--Happy Holidays! In chapter 7, Monroe's Motivated sequence is explored as another way to attempt persuasion in addition to our class outline format--There are 5 steps: 1.ATTENTION (Address listener's core concerns), 2. NEED (isolate and describe issue), 3. SATISFACTION (identify solution), and 4. VISUALIZATION (use descriptive language to make audience SEE solution at work, ie: vividly describe a world without polution) and  5. ACTION (call to audience to demonstrate their agreement with you, ie: Vera's speech when she had us sing at the end). The final will address Monroe's motivated sequence in addition to audience analysis and fallacies. These tools are a great way to write a good organized essay too, so you can use them well beyond our class--For our final blog entry here, please attempt Monroe's step 4, using powerful, colorful, vivid and symbolic language to create visualization to persuade the rest of us to adopt some family or cultural ritual which YOU believe strongly in during this holiday season! You have until December 13th to post. Feliz Vaccaciones Amigos! Happy New Year!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Special Occassions!

Hi Gang! Sorry for the delay, but here we are--two blogs left to go! This week we can focus on special occassion speeches, either eulogies, introductions, commencement addresses, holiday toasts or even roasts! From a film you either love or hate, describe a great special occasion speech! Did it work? Why or why not? How did the rhetorical situation play into the audience expectations for the speech?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Persuasion is POWER!

Hey Gang! Happy Holiday! Great speeches on information this past week! Wow! This blog will earn you double credit as part of the assignment instead of coming to class on WED 11/24. Persuasive speech holds power because it is a means of changing attitudes, beliefs and/or values!

On December 1st, Nancy, Bev, Erik, Navpreet, Brittany, Giavanna, Mark, Nayyar, Romila, Jeremy, Vera and Annalise will make their persuasive speeches. The class on the 3rd will be everyone else's turn to make their persuasive speeches, with Tracie going last because she always has to "go first!" (wink) If you don't go when you are scheduled on the first night, you will drop one grade on your speech fyi.

2 copies of a complete class-sanctioned outline, typed
3 visual aids
3 research oral citations--Paraphrased or quoted
Full References section at the end of your outline

Post your persuasive topics here and I will either approve or make suggestions as we go--be sure to read other posts and make sure you aren't taking a topic that someone else already posted! LIst your topic and a good working thesis. TIP: For persuasion to be effective, you must use the word "should" in your thesis! Also, offer the audience an opportunity for extrinsic change (External) --That means in your CONCLUSION give them an action they can take to demonstrate you have persuaded them (sign up for something, commit by raising hands, join something etc).

Use this outline please.

Attn getter
Thesis w/Purpose
Preview main points A-C
Connect to audience
Credibility statement

MP A (visual and support citation or evidence/examples)
MP B (visual and support citation or evd/ex)
MP C (visual and support citation or evidence/examples)

Conclusive language
Thesis restated
Summary of MP's A-C
Memorable Ending/Call to action

REFERENCES (3 in alphabetical order)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Narrative Form

Hey Gang! Hope this blog finds you well! As we prepare for informative speeches, the book reminds us that several different organizational patterns are effective for longer speeches: Chronological order, spatial order, casue and effect order and circular arrangement. In addition, we find the narrative, a story telling device. One way to organize a good speech is as a story might unfold. Twists and turns, a clever plot and an unexpected ending! Think of the best form for your speech organization and, in the meantime, help us create a clever narrative here. I will begin our story and each person posting should continue to advance the narrative (tell the story)--There are two rules: 1. You must use the name of someone in the class and 2. Use vivid, active language. Type aproximately one paragraph please to keep the story developing!

Public Speaking Nightmare
--by the 301 class that meets in the metal shop

One night Sandra was locking up the metal shop (the mysterious classroom used for speeches, yet filled with metal working supplies where her fabulous class met twice weekly). All of the students except Anthony and Beatrice had left for the evening. Sandra didn't realize they were still inside and she locked it up and set the alarm for the night. Little did she know, it would freeze that evening and with the fan constantly running in the metal shop, it would be below zero for several hours. Anthony became delirious and fell on top of his textbook when he realized what happened, but Beatrice had a plan. It required the most important speech she would  ever make and the use of a very tall, cold steel ladder. She must..................... (next story teller jump in!)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Impromptu Midterm: REMAIN CALM!

Hi Friends! This Wed we will perform unprepared, or impromptu speeches! To get ready, the best thing to do is memorize the outline. Next best: REMAIN CALM LIKE the above image! Then on speech night, all you have to do is draw a topic and just fill in the blanks--I will grade you on how well you remember outline details and apply your topic as well as how much of the outline you include, plus your delivery. You might want to memorize an attention getter, like a good quote or funny yet PC story or a clever saying.

For this blog, type in a good generic attention getting statement and include a reference so we can help each other succeed! The book reminds us that impromptu speakers should speak, slowly, and use repetition as a way to review for the audience but also collect the speakers' thoughts if he or she gets stuck or forgets something (ie: "As I said, or "It bears repeating...") Also smile and "fake it 'til you make it!" (Meaning: act confident and your audience will believe you are! Don't mumble, use strong gestures and speak loudly and clearly!)

Thursday, October 28, 2010


A great speaker must first be a sensitive and invested listener--Anonymous

In the textbook we learn...oh, wait, the bookstore never got the, well, we would have seen that listening is important and very different than "hearing!" Tell us about a really good or really awful listener in your life (maybe use a fake name to protect the innocent!) What do they do to make you feel "heard?" Let us know as a class if we were good listeners during your introduction speech! Good listeners give lots of "minimal encouragers"--they make compassionate noises, nod, agree aloud withoug being disruptive and sometimes paraphrase back to you what they understand you to have stated (ie: "It sounds like you feel strongly about world peace" for instance). Good listening enhances relationships and validates those we care about--Make it a focus this semester! By the way, what are the gender differences in listening? Do men and women listen differently? Keep blogging people!

Friday, October 22, 2010

FALL 2010 Late Starting Class

Hi Gang! I got the add slips signed and on there way to admin--FYI--Welcome to our blog! For this weekly post please include your name and let me know who you interviewed for Monday's speech--also please include a question about the intro speech if you have one and suggest good topics for us to talk about here on our class blog! I already am really enjoying our class--you guys are interesting! Smiles--Sandra

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Last Blog Until Summer!!!!!!!!!!!

It's been a wild ride kids! Whoknew one could be so productive so gosh-dang EARLY!!!!  Everyone who stayed in the class has grown and improved, what a nice group of students and friends! I am happy to have had you in class and hope you keep in touch! is my personal email--Let me know if you ever need teacher references and such! One thing we didn't have time to do in class is the "anti-speech"--so let's do that here! First, though--what to expect for next week:

Our last week of class:
Mon 5/10: Class begins early at 715am. Bring coffee!!! Finish all persuasive speeches except: Alyssa, Lupe and Keona. Also hand out TAKE HOME final. Blog at home to finish up.
Tues 5/11: At home finish the pop-log and complete your final.
Wed 5/12: Snacks in class, what can you bring? Croissants? Doughnuts? Juice and cups? Keona, Lupe and Alyssa make persuasive speeches/turn in pop logs/talk about your pop-log for 2 minutes or so, share a highlight/turn in final.
Mon May 17th: No meeting for the final/BUT reach me at home during this time with any questions/grade concerns or updates/school advice etc between 8am and 930am via email  OR

NOW: Post below, in the form of a PG rated "rant"--OR hip-hop style rap:
One thing you didn't like about me, my class or the portable we met in and use logic and persuasion to validate your claim! Have fun with it, I won't take it personally...however compliments accepted too! Smiles--Your Proud Teacher

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

BKWLD--Double Cool/Douple points, for crying in the night!!!!

There is a new and oh-so-cool company in town doing really well right now called BKWLD--It is innovative and internationally recognized. Their site is a good PERSUASIVE VISUAL tool WHICH CAN help us to understand audience analysis and why it matters for interactive marketing as well as public speaking. Their blog also demonstrates other ways BLOGS are used in the professional world, not just cheesy community college classes held in broken down portables!
1. Check out their SWEETwebsite at for 15 min or so -- especially the "our work" icon -- see the cool clients they rock, like Gavin Rossdale (Mr. Gwen Stefani!) and T-Pain and Ice-T, even Indiana Jones' Games!
2. Shake your head slowly, say aloud "Dang that's hip!" to no one in particular...
3. Post something nice/complimentary anywhere on the site for DBL credit for this week! EZ as ABC:
A)--post it on their site at 'contacts' OR B) email them at     Or  try option C)  --post a comment on the BKWLD blog by clicking on BUKlife. From their website your comment will show up on my blog so that I  SEE U did it. Keep posts VERY short, just a line or 2 about what you like about their company, philosophy or website, or congratulate them on their success, then type in your full name followed by (Sandra's speech class at SCC.)
Here's the kicker, you MUST use the phrase "for crying in the night" when you post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Ryan and the BKWLD team,
For crying in the night, I just love your killer graphics on this site!
Smiles, Donny Kay from Sandra's speech class at SCC
I will decode/explain and unpack the mystery in class as long as my alarm goes off tomorrow. XO

Monday, April 19, 2010

Persuasive Topics Due 4/19

Hi Gang--Hopefully you remembered not to go to class on 4/19!!!! Keep working on those pop logs and for this blog please submit your preferred persuasive speech topic, and tell us a bit about why you chose this topic for our final speech of the semester! Why does it matter to YOU??? Remember this speech is 6-8 minutes long and includes 2 visual aids and 3 oral citations with complete references! You must state the purpose as persuasive using terms such as "convince," "insist" and or "strongly urge!" Feel free to post enthusiasm about classmates topic ideas or offer input for additional blogging points! See you for more great speeches in class! If you make it out to CRC for the extra credit star gazing tonight, call or text my cell at 799-7930 to find us around 8pm, but rain could cancel the event fyi! Smiles--Sandra

Sunday, April 4, 2010

INFORM This! On bats,glow worms and spring break.....

Hi and welcome back from spring break--We arein the home stretch towards summer now--time to crank it up and push for the grade you know you deserve!!! This means attention to all outline details...say it with me now: Introduction including attn getter thesis/purpose, preview of mp's, credibility, connection to audience and transition, then the body including 3 main points supported by analogies,examples and citations and visual aids, transition to the conclusion, which includes conclusive language a review of main points, restatement of thesis and a memorable, fabulous ending, followed by an alphabetical list of references you sited from according to APA or MLA---By the way--how fun were the impromptu speeches? Great topic suggestions!

On to informative speaking, when we tell our audiences either about something new and unusual OR provide new insight or a new take on an older idea! For this blog, we'll do a kind of topic brainstorming exercise to open your post-spring break mind again! you need to read the previous posting and pull a potential informative topic from the previous student's idea--So post a favorite film, song or artist along with a key point that attracts you to this subject--the next person who posts can show how to take that FABULOUS bit of info and turn it into a GREAT speech theis ofr an informative speech! I'll get us started--I watched the Planet Earth BBC series and got a huge kick out of the bats and glow worms--creepy weird crawly things and flying creepy things too! I learned that bats' poo actually is the mainstay to a cave ecosystem since it doesn't get any sunlight for photosynthesis and glowworms have a gland in their behind's that produces a "glow" so they can trap and eat their prey! GROSS, but kinda cool too--now somebody turn these musings into a good thesis for an info speech followed by your own observations/viewings or listenings!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Chapter 14-22 QUIZ: Write down answers Or print out--Due Mon 4/5 in class!

1. From Ignacio and Megan: Choose the best way to minimize powerpoint complications:
A). Familiarize yourself with the audio/visual equipment ahead of time.
B). Use a significant amount of loud, flashy visual and sound effects.
C). Save files and presentation material into different folders, usb ports and flash drives.
D). Avoid horizontal stripes.

2. From Alyssa and Michelle: Which is NOT part of an introduction according to Sandra's annoying outline:
A). Thesis
B). Examples and Support
C). Attention Getter
D).Credibility Statement

3. From Dan and Stan: Which of the following is not an effective use of language?
A). Malapropisms
B). Concrete Language
C). Alliteration

4. From Celia, Victoria and Mando: According to chapter17, a speaker who delivers a well recieved speech should ____________.

5. What factors influence the proper volume of good speech delivery? ____________    ______________

6. From Keona, Anthony, Frank, Joe: In chapter 14, name and describe at least 2 types of outline. (2 parts)

7. From Alex and Jazmine: "Boldface" in chapter 21 refers to:
A). Speaker confidence and use of "bold" expressions.
B). The proud leader of the Native American tribe who established the 5 cannons of rhetoric.
C).  Aristotle's boyhood nickname.
D). Bold lettering style/font.

8. From Alyx and Kylen: T or F ??? 
A Flipchart combines sound, video, text and images into a single production.

9). While speaking, connect with the audience by making:
A). Eye contact
B). winking and then blowing on the tip of your index finger as though it is a hot gun that just went off.
C). Dates with single audience members.
D). popcorn

10). From Sandra:  Haphazardly pointing the bright light of the outdated overhead projector right into the eyes of the class while slurping coffee is an example of ____________.

11). When should a handout be distributed during an effective speech? ______________________

12). The "Talking Heads" in chpt 19 are:
A). A bad rock band from the early 90's Sandra enjoyed before losing her hearing.
B). A special occassion speech which includes elaborate head movements but no gestures.
C). Speakers who remain stiff or freeze behind a podium or microphone.
D). Little sayings you might say to yourself if nervous during your speech to prevent fainting. For example: "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and gosh darn it I can do this thing."

13). For my informative speech topic, I plan to discuss __________________ .

Monday, March 15, 2010

St Pat's Ye ole' Irish Blog (no class, not the blog, Wed 3/17, there is no class)

Whenever any speech student pretty much in the entire world mentions the most scary, exhilerating, crazy and intimidating form of public speech: Yes, reckless Impromptu speaking--immediately these four faces from our sassy classroom should come to mind--Kyle, Joe, Keona and Alyssa. As you know, together they formed an Irish garage band that tours Greece and Western Europe during the summer, appearing at euro car lots and falafel stands around the world!!! Their music is unique because it is all impromptu, never rehearsed or even written down ahead of time!!! They refuse to memorize an outline, they are public speaking rebels! In concert, Joe unexpectedly will riff a chord, and without warning Kyle takes it to a drum beat and the girls make up lyrics on the spot.  While their songs are often unintelligible confusing nonsense, the kids just love it. Fans can't get enough of their top 10 hits like the hip-hop-country number: "Do Popcorn Nice Key 26?" and who can forget (or remember) the popular impromptu ska-punk-ballad "Rake Flat Skirt Mop Thimble"--One of their loyal fans told me after a mindblowing gig, "That was really loud and confusing!" That's just how they roll--it's freakin' what happens when you do outline-free-impromptu." When asked about why she loves them, another fan just cried because of the chaos and threw up her falafel. As you can see, fierce impromptu causes a real gut reaction people!

Now for your own impromptu midterm, we need some good topics, so let's hear a few you hope to pull from the envelope next Wed to make your 2 minute unprepared musical masterpiece! For this post, tell us your topic suggestion AND tell us if you have everbcaught the Comm 301 Band pictured above (Group Name: Ellen is Irish) in concert, share some good (fictional, G-rated) fan lore...or name your favorite (fake) impromptu hit by the group! Rock on!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tuition is going up to 40.00 per unit I hear!

"Thousands of students, teachers and parents in California and across the country are expected to stage rallies, demonstrations, walkouts and other actions Thursday to decry what they say is an assault on public education at all levels." Read more at,0,4387493.story

"Tomorrow's so-called Day of Action is in response to education funding cuts that have affected schools nationwide, but have been especially severe in California, where public colleges and universities have canceled classes, ordered furloughs and layoffs and enacted unprecedented student fee increases" (Rivera TIMES).

The budget is a wreck, it seems! Colleges need more money and will offer fewer classes too...As a public speaker, smarty and all around SCC superstar, what can you do to send the message to the top--We need to make it easier for everyone who wants to to go to school, not HARDER! Agree? Disagree? Sleeping? Chime in!Smiles--S

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I Can See the Writing on the Wall...I mean the palm.................

Yo kids, I have lost my voice completely, Steve is THRILLED!!!! Haha...I can whisper...don't forget we meet at the cafeteria tomorrow, 2/23...bring your typed responses on the Bono Speech(not Bow-No) from the book in chpt 25. I have tosay I am really enjoying our class discussions--still cracking up about sharing embarassing stories!!! For this blog I want you to tell me what you thinkof the Whole Palm Gate scandal??? review the text and short video below to get in on the scandal:

I don't want your personal opinion of Palin.

What I want to hear is a discussion of why this "rhetorical act" matters and how it challenges our ideas of "Competent" leaders and "cheating" --why does it matter that this was a pen note on her hand instead of her using a teleprompter? Does it matter? What kind of expectations do we have of our leaders when it comes to public speech? How does "Palm-gate" violate or challenge those expectations? Most importantly: Who is  gonna buy my coffee Wed? JK!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Oh John, What Were Ya Thinkin'? Audience Analysis Much?


I just read this update on the John Mayer controversy du jour and I think it totally relates to our audience analysis component in 301. I'd like to get your input on the situ, but I want us to stick to our agenda. So avoid emotional reactions and instead, step into your rhetorical critic lab coats, fellow scholars and check out the on-stage apology at the You Tube link above along with YahooNews's take on the incident, or review the TEXT of the interview (uh, that would be the words not the pictures).

So I'm not asking for your personal opinion of the artist or his choices here, what I'd like is your take on where he went wrong analyzing his audience. What are the assumptions he seems to keep making about his "audience" that prove to be inaccurate? (He's got a long rep with "off the record tweets" and too much sharing about previous relationships. Elle Decor Magazine has an atricle on line about his Manhatten Apartment, and despite his lack of discretion, I have to say he's got a sweet pad. Anyhoo, I digressed...)

Assuming he had decent intentions, give John some "compassionate" feedback here, like we do for each other: Give him feedback on one thing he's done well to analyze and respond to his audience during and/or  since the interview and then point out one "opportunity" he needs to keep working on (ie: why did he think they'd percieve his use of the racial epitaph as acceptable? What did he mean, "trying to intellectualize the N-word?"

Friday, February 5, 2010

Movies and Clips

Owl Purdue On-Line writing lab for Movie/Film citations

Hi Bloggers! This week we will show video and or DVD clips for oral presentations! Click link above for a citation review for your film or TV show references. Things to remember: Cue up or know what scene or chapter you'll play before the speech. Adjust volume, face class rather than screen as much as possible, move around the room during the clip, set the clip up briefly but clearly (name of film, point of scene, maybe what to watch for). Quickly remove your media when finished to prep for the next speaker. For this blog, tell us what your all time favorite movie or program is? Why? Do you like humor or drama, or love stories or documentaries??? Finally, what can we learn about audience (our classmates) by seeing what others like and bring in to show us this week? PS: Showing the clip on Wed and hearing you guys crack up was fun for me! I love a good comedic moment, even at toddler viewing level!!! Hahahahaha...cough, choke, wheeze....

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

First Spring 2010 Blog for Sandra's 7:30am Class

First of all, whew! We got through the downpour, the deadly typhoon-monsoon of the begining semester and you lived to tell about it! People, we attend campus when it is still dark outside, are you crazy??? This class is EARLY early...I think I still had some dried toothpaste in the corners of my mouth yesterday during roll and a few of you were wearing pajamas! Any-hoo... here we are blogging, this week we'll talk about the State of The U speech by Mr. Pres, agent of change himself, Barack Obama! Here you can read some of the transcript for the speech if you missed it :

You may watch or read just a portion or the entire speech depending on your time restraints. As you consider a few things, I'd like to get your name (in your 6 line minimum post below, click on comments) and some thoughts about the rhetorical situation (speech context both physical AND emotional). Remember, though it is billed a live speech in front of a present audience of warm bodies (well, some of those senators may not have actually still been breathing...) the true intended audience of the state of the union address was who? Where? I don't want your personal opinion of our president here, I want insight and observation of a speech by a critical observer (YOU). What was one rhetorical situation-aspect that was somehow referred to in the speech? Check other entries and postings, repeating another student's answer will result in no credit for this blog. It was a LONG speech there'splenty of stuff to pull out and talk about! See you in class bloggers!!!