Wednesday, January 27, 2010

First Spring 2010 Blog for Sandra's 7:30am Class

First of all, whew! We got through the downpour, the deadly typhoon-monsoon of the begining semester and you lived to tell about it! People, we attend campus when it is still dark outside, are you crazy??? This class is EARLY early...I think I still had some dried toothpaste in the corners of my mouth yesterday during roll and a few of you were wearing pajamas! Any-hoo... here we are blogging, this week we'll talk about the State of The U speech by Mr. Pres, agent of change himself, Barack Obama! Here you can read some of the transcript for the speech if you missed it :

You may watch or read just a portion or the entire speech depending on your time restraints. As you consider a few things, I'd like to get your name (in your 6 line minimum post below, click on comments) and some thoughts about the rhetorical situation (speech context both physical AND emotional). Remember, though it is billed a live speech in front of a present audience of warm bodies (well, some of those senators may not have actually still been breathing...) the true intended audience of the state of the union address was who? Where? I don't want your personal opinion of our president here, I want insight and observation of a speech by a critical observer (YOU). What was one rhetorical situation-aspect that was somehow referred to in the speech? Check other entries and postings, repeating another student's answer will result in no credit for this blog. It was a LONG speech there'splenty of stuff to pull out and talk about! See you in class bloggers!!!


  1. The speech was very well written and delivered. He used many rhetorical devices in the speech, antithesis and anaphora were the most noticeable. The audience present for the speech gave good feedback, but what do you expect - its a Presidential speech. I'm sure the intended audience, the general public sitting in front of their televisions, had various different reactions to the speech. The line, "On top of that, the effects of the recession put a $3 trillion hole in our budget. All this was before I walked in the door," will raise some interesting controversy between parties.

  2. From the desk of Andrea Abbott:

    I felt that Obama's speech was of course based on a rhetorical situation. Two of the issues that were of great interest to most were recession and the bank bail out. By adressing these we the public audience were being aknowledged. I truly enjoyed that little bit about student loans and 10% of income payback for 20yrs and anything left after that will be forgiven although it seems to good to be true.

  3. Obama has always had the gift of gab. In fact, it has been pointed out that his powers of rhetoric can even be considered a problem for some who would claim that he talks a good game but who aren't certain he can deliver on what he says. The rhetorical situation in itself isn't exactly condusive to dispelling this claim being that Americans are mostly wary and (dare I say?) unhappy about the current State of our Union. Also, despite the frequent standing ovations during Obama's speech, it was noticeable that there were members of the audience who were not often impressed with the President's message (unless some of the Representative were just too old to stand so much). All in all, however, I felt the speech was well delivered, with poise and grace, and at least this viewer came away with a little more hope than I went in with.

  4. The overall impression of the President's speech is well written, prepared and focused on our needs or audience-centered becuse the speech was adressed to the whole country (voluntary audience) not just to the members of Congress and House of Representatives (captive audience). It is hard to say what issues were of most interest, they are all important to us; however, the line about health insurencs industry," we are closer than ever to bringing more security to the lives of so many Americans[...]protect every American from the worst practices of the insurance industry." would hopefully be fullfiled in reslity.

  5. Jazmine Rojas-Escajeda

    Obama is an awesome speaker, he knows how to puul people in and want to listen. The speech was for the ones who are having hard times during this recession, and those who needed to hear that our president is doing something about our economy.Every where in Untied States people will come to believe that Obama can be a great president but will he deliver what he says, we shall see in time. The one rhetorical aspect about the speech was when Obama was talking about how he stopped taxes for those who needed it, lowering of taxes, and lowering the payment for health insuurance. All in all i liked the speech and was very much involved in what Obama is trying to do for our country.

  6. "Experts from across the political spectrum warned that if we did not act, we might face a second depression." "But when I ran for president, I promised I wouldn't just do what was popular — I would do what was necessary. And if we had allowed the meltdown of the financial system..." The rhetorical situation that Obama is trying to point out is that he helped make the descision of bailing out the banks. Even though the entire country disliked the answer. He is trying to point out that it would have been a disaster if he didnt help. He deeply does care about the people of America think of him.

  7. Obama sure does have quite a way with words, doesn't he? I truly feel like he does a great job of delivering an informative, well-rounded speech adressing multiple aspects of the issues that Americans are facing. His in-depth delivery and way with words gives him a certain credibility with both the captive audience as well as the voluntary audience, the people of the USA. He relates to the audience by addressing the issues surrounding the various rhetorical situations, and then elaborates on them. "Like any cash-strapped family, we will work within a budget to invest in what we need and sacrifice what we don't." This rhetorical device of using words such as "we" and otherwise including and relating to the voluntary audience in the speech is helpful in getting the listeners further engaged and involved in the speech. There are bound to be mixed-reactions from various people, of course, but that shows that his words are at least making people think.

  8. These are great examples gang! Sandra

  9. Megan Miranda said:

    So Obama is president. The man who won over many Americans because he can "drop it like it's hot." But, the man does have a way with words and is an excellent speaker. Through this, he gains the public audience's confidence. Well he has alot of issues he's promised to solve both here at home and over seas in a short amount of time. The over seas issue stood out to me mostly considering he's conserned about Iranian government when America's got it bad enough over here.
    The true audience of the State of The Union Adress was America's people meaning all of us. Those who where hit hard due to the recession. The unemployed, the students, families with no health care etc. Overall, his speech, although very clear and well said, makes lots of promises and plans. It's just a matter of time to see if he can deliver sucessfully.

  10. Ignacio Salazar said...

    Obama does have a way with words,he convinced me lol. Im not gonna lie tho, I only saw the last ten minutes of the speach and from what i heard he was addressing the republicans and the people at home. What i understood was him explaning to all the Americans at home that theres progress in the recession but its not gonna get done over night. But the best line writen on that speach was that hes ending the war and the troops will be back home mid this year.

  11. Anna Marie Agoncillo

    President Obama's speech was well delivered especially when he talked about the bank bail out. He even made fun of this issue. One of his major agendas was the healthcare, which he was trying to convince both democrat and republican parties to work together so that americans who are uninsured have a better access to the doctors or hospitals. He also talked about bringing home our troops and many audience loved that.

  12. The State of the Union may be given in front of a bunch of Senators, but that is not who the message is for. It is for us. To give the American people the current, well, State of the Union. The mood across the country is not good. Close to seventy-five percent of people aren't too into our government right now, so Obama had a lot of pleasing to do. His skills as a persuasive speaker are probably the best of any President we've had in a long, long time. A lot of people are very worried about the loss of jobs, which is really bad for morale. It definitely shapes the rhetorical situation for us and how we listen. If you don't have a job, it would be harder to listen to a President swear it will get better when it only has gotten worse. Even so, I think Obama did a good job of lifiting spirits and restoring hope which has been dwindling for months.

  13. Good to see more speech peeps logging on--I agree about the dual audience observation Kylen--and Iggie (my blogging nick name for Ignacio) is right about the persuasive stuff directed toward republican swing voters! KEEP THINKING AND ASKING QUESTIONS! S

  14. Victoria Venegas
    Barrack Obama’s State of the Union’s speech was very informative, persuasive, inspiring and well delivered. The audience included congress which consists of the House of Representatives, and the Senate. Though Obama addressed congress directly, his main objective audiences were the many individuals who had concerns about where the country is heading. Obama’s purpose throughout his speech was to ensure the public where he intends to lead this country. Although Obama made it clear that achieving such goals can be challenging, he intends to dedicate all his effort to successfully accomplish those goal. Obama’s interest is to make the United States of America as best as it can be for the people.

  15. Daniel Rivera
    Barrack Obama's State of the Union's speech was honest, informative, and serious. His audience was the people of the United States. He speaks of common issues such as job loss and buisness failures that lets him connect to his real audience, the people of the United States.He has a way of talking where he almost promises numerous things but in this speech he has toned that down but instead of promises we get "we need to..." and with that he puts forward his arguement for the current subject after giving the pro's of it as well as some con's which build his speaker credability. He uses these methods many times in his speech to get a general approval of his proposals that he believes will help lead America back on top of the globabl economy.

  16. I thought that President Obama gave an excellent speech. The audience was the whole nation and he even mentioned it in the beginning of his speech. What grabbed my attention were his ways of trying to fix our economy and restore a lot of jobs. Which is a big issue and i love how he is willing to do as much as possible to solve the problem. He spoke of many other issues as well with sincereness. His speech was filled with goals that he wishes to accomplish and he had a very powerful way making us believe in him. Overall his speech was well executed.

  17. John Ward

    Yes, obama certainly does have a way with words. However, that's all they are, are WORDS! He is by no means the answer, nor does he have the answer, to America's economic situation. Just like it did back in the 1930s, everything will eventually balance itself out. Sure things may get worse before they get better, but things will eventually get better.

  18. President Obama is an excellent speaker if not the most inspring speaker in the decade. Which is why i think he got so many followers, people to believe in him and even changed our american history simply by having great public speaking skills! When i enrolled in this class i was aware that speeches and public speaking skills was a huge part of the class so the first person i thought to look up to was President Obama. Overall I think the speech was great because he was basically discussing gthe issues that our country faces and these problems will have to be fixed but it is a process and a process in which we must wait.In my opinion his target audience were the people who believe he isn't doing a good job at being a president and he isnt really making any "Change" like he promised. Overall i believe Obama whether he really is a good president or not he knows how to speak and i admire him alot! Its kinda funny to think where and how far public speaking can take you!
