Monday, March 15, 2010

St Pat's Ye ole' Irish Blog (no class, not the blog, Wed 3/17, there is no class)

Whenever any speech student pretty much in the entire world mentions the most scary, exhilerating, crazy and intimidating form of public speech: Yes, reckless Impromptu speaking--immediately these four faces from our sassy classroom should come to mind--Kyle, Joe, Keona and Alyssa. As you know, together they formed an Irish garage band that tours Greece and Western Europe during the summer, appearing at euro car lots and falafel stands around the world!!! Their music is unique because it is all impromptu, never rehearsed or even written down ahead of time!!! They refuse to memorize an outline, they are public speaking rebels! In concert, Joe unexpectedly will riff a chord, and without warning Kyle takes it to a drum beat and the girls make up lyrics on the spot.  While their songs are often unintelligible confusing nonsense, the kids just love it. Fans can't get enough of their top 10 hits like the hip-hop-country number: "Do Popcorn Nice Key 26?" and who can forget (or remember) the popular impromptu ska-punk-ballad "Rake Flat Skirt Mop Thimble"--One of their loyal fans told me after a mindblowing gig, "That was really loud and confusing!" That's just how they roll--it's freakin' what happens when you do outline-free-impromptu." When asked about why she loves them, another fan just cried because of the chaos and threw up her falafel. As you can see, fierce impromptu causes a real gut reaction people!

Now for your own impromptu midterm, we need some good topics, so let's hear a few you hope to pull from the envelope next Wed to make your 2 minute unprepared musical masterpiece! For this post, tell us your topic suggestion AND tell us if you have everbcaught the Comm 301 Band pictured above (Group Name: Ellen is Irish) in concert, share some good (fictional, G-rated) fan lore...or name your favorite (fake) impromptu hit by the group! Rock on!


  1. St. Patty's Day Oye!Oye!Oye! Ellen's Irish is awesome. I love to clog and river dance to them while I clean house. My favorite song is Who ate the corned beef? When I'm at a show I mosh like crazy to that rockin tune.
    If I were going to improptu speech I'd like to do it about food. I love to cook it and eat it. Any questions about cusine would be fun and probably easy enough for most.
    Oh and p.s. $40.00 per unit, blood suckin @$%@^%@^%@$@*(&$@!.

  2. Ellen's Irish!I'm their biggest groupie ever!! My favorite rock song to head bang to is Green Irish Fresh! It should totally be number one on the billboards.
    If I were going to present a improptu speech I'd like to speak on the sport basketball. I can answer any questions and give detailed examples. I love basketball with a passion and could speak all day on that subject.

  3. Oye irish fans and goofballs! Who posted up above here, I don't see a name of the Ellen's Irish Groupie--Is it...AnthonY? Or......Alex??? Ok maybe it was Megan????? Another fave song of mine by this hot new unknown famous fake musical group is "Who let the Shamrocks out?" Who knew opera music could be combined with reggae??? BRILLIANT!!!

  4. The Ellen is Irish band is way talented. I saw them in a concert not to long ago, and I don’t know about you, but if you can come up with a hit song out of the blue and people love it that’s what I call talent. My favorite song that they have out is Hop on Your Clogs.

    Well I have a few impromptu speech ideas that could be in the hat. One could be about a memorable trip. Another could be why dogs are better than cats. The last one could be: what are some things that Art could bring in people’s life's.

    Celia Basurto

  5. Jazmine Rojas-Escajeda

    O yaa!!! rockin is what i do on my spare time, and it would't be rockin out without Ellen's Irish band. Listening to my fav song "Don't take me Gold" is what i rock out the best too. Gotta love them twinkle toes songs...
    A suggestion of an impromtu speech would be about different styles. Knowing why people come up with different styles and why is pretty awesome to know.

  6. I used to be a member of "Ellen Is Irish" until they forced me out. They claimed it was my personal hygene that caused the rift, but the truth is they were all so jealous of my creative vision. It was MY genius that spawned "Do Popcorn Nice Key 26?" but they refuse to give me credit. In fact, they've tried to rewrite history by photo-shopping my face out of all band photographs. But that's okay, I've hired an attorney and am in the process of suing the pants off of those ingrates. I figure the royalties from "twerp7 zero buud" should cover my used car payments for the next three months.

    Peace and Love tree goes unseen beneath the time of blossoms. Spring colors its butterflies with a pastiche of vibrance.

    -- I just created that in the moment to give you a taste of real improvisiation. ELLEN CAN YOU HEAR ME?!!?? witness my words and just try to halt your jealousy.

    --pork (aka: Sandra's Husband)

  7. oh--a good impromptu topic would be bitter jelousy.--p

  8. I like their song "James Joyce is Jewish" but I don't really remember their shows because I drink too much.

    I think a great impromptu topic would be the importance of beer in the world.

    Oh wait...I'm not in this class anymore. Damn!

  9. Wooohooo! Free promotion!! And I didn't even have to bribe you with a cupcake, like the hit-of-the-moment song we made up at that one gig in Belfast, "Cupcake Countdown Craving on the Catwalk" ....I'm impressed, and I thank you truly for the good press ;).

    As for topics...hmm...Steer clear from politics, please. I like to try to get a grasp on what is going on, but I could never make a speech about an aspect of it unless it was in an attempt to be funny. Oh and I'm awful with sports, so if you want to see me make a fool out of myself, put that in the hat a lot! Music would be nice...Simple topics that allow for a certain amount of humor would really lighten the mood. Or maybe we can make up a fictitious character and give an informative speech on his/her life. ;)

    True story that goes along with the impromptu speech topic that I wanted to share: One time, I had a customer come into work. She was originally from Switzerland, and had to give an impromptu speech (back in Switzerland) on how to make a PB&J sandwich. Naturally she had no idea because the PB&J is not a hot commodity over there, so she made up the entire process....even the part where she said you must finally add the JELLO to the sandwich and fry it :p... She still got an A :)

  10. Ellen is Irish is seriously groundbreaking. I got my wrist broken at one of their concerts from fist pumping with too much intensity. I hear they are going on tour this summer and I hope to check them out. Picking a favorite song is as close to impossible as impossible things can get! I mean, god. Who could forget their alt-punk-toe-tapping-slow jam, "Pass the Butter and Spread the Couch?" or even better, their electronica rap broadway bonanza, "White Grease Flower"...... everything about Ellen is Irish is awesome! That being said..I once had to give an impromptu speech and mine was on how to make chocolate chip cookies. This sounds easy but it felt sort of boring. I wish I had a good idea, maybe something more general and fun- like favorite tv show, or favorite Ellen is Irish song. Or reasons why Kanye West is still awesome even if yells at people a lot AND ALWAYS TYPES IN CAPS (that is the one I want to pull out of the hat) ...

    I've gotten carried away now. Damn Ellen is Irish. They get me so pumped and ...okay I'm totally nervous about our speeches. I'll admit it!

    -- Kylen McCudden (who is OBVIOUSLY irish)

  11. It was great how fast the band changed their name from Ellen is Straight to Ellen is Irish--they are so up on the latest celebrity news, cutting edge, avante gaurde! So open minded and yet...traditional...loud,yet ...well...just loud I guess. Beer as an impromptu topic? Reeelly?I should have flunked that 'Bradford guy while I had the chance!" I am gonna chilax now to the soothing sound of "Red Flaxseed Weasel Tarp" my most favorite Ellen is Irish heavy metal ballad. Impromptu rules!!!!!!

  12. My favorite song by them is "leprechauns do weird things in the closet"! I dont really know what the song is about, it kinda sounds like they wrote it really really really really drunk one st patricks day, and then put all the words in a blender, jumbled them up and pulled them out at random. The song is really good though, you should listen. Here are some of the classic lyrics

    Oh leprechaun green rainbow
    patrick matre the and what
    maybe eggs salmon melting
    where have all the cowboys gone?
    one time or maybe two
    yes yes yes yes

    The tune is what really does it for me.
    WHen they performed that song live at my the bar mitzvah thing I just about died. I know all the words and sanf along. I even ran up on stage with them and sang with them. It was like a dream come true.


    I think we should do our impromptu midterm on things that have caused us uncontrollable laughter maybe with milky noses involved. It doesnt even have to be a real thing that happened.

  13. That's what i'm talking about! Free press indeed! Hey Ellen is Irish!! To all my band members and our fabulous fans!(I'm throwing up the shamrock sign right now)-yeah you know! I would like to take the time out to say "what's green-ish?'" to Pork! We haven't forgot about you bud, we were gonna ask you back to the group but sounds like you got the dogs out-no fair! I was always on your team-we were the darker shade of irish in the group. Yes, my momma is still irish!!I got lyrics for you tho...

    Celtic Dreams on green clouds with trees like a spinach rhapsody..rhapsody..rhapsody. Watch us rince at our ceolchoirm while our fans sip on deochannas (a true irish is able to translate). Crazy mad leprechans see saw on willys while horses with crutches roll down alley's at noon in pants with a posse of popo's in cuffs sayin: Go A's! can marinate on that for a while. If we changed our name to M-Prom-2-U would you reconsider? Ü

    As for the impromptu speeches(i believe i did mention the word "impromptu" in my last blog-then everyone went nuts!) I think good subjects would be: the future, the past, your life, family, friends, values, money, college, fashion, examples of who you'd like to be like, or not, confidence, love, bad experiences, good experiences-to name just a few! Better than that the class can vote on 4 members of the class to do an impromtu song from the one and only Ellen is Irish band for a minimum of 2 minutes straight-no instruments required as books, pens, pencils and desks work as great instruments. (Automatic A+). I'm tryin here!.......

  14. John

    Ellen is Irish is the beesknees! I recently heard their song "Guiness: the breakfast of champions" and loved it! For the impromptu assignment I think a good topic would be to tell the story of when you were born..or maybe a little simpler would be to explain a childhood memory

  15. Look, I think we're all skirting the issue here. We've all seen the tabloids lately: "Ellen Is Irish indicted for smuggling shamrocks," "Ellen Is Irish leaves toilet seat up," I mean, the list goes on and on. Do these reckless rockers have any limits?! Last I heard, they received a mass text from Tiger Woods...just a rumor of course, but my source was pretty reliable. I believe personally that all the green beer and corned beef has gone straight to their heads. And that music! "Ring Five Soda Pop" is just outrageous with its mentions of artificial sweeteners and house fires, and that awful "Do Why Metric System" with the entire middle section done in pig Latin! UNFORGIVABLE!!! Is this really what we want our kids listening to today? Has it really come to this? I'm sorry Ellen, but you're one Irish I don't want to kiss...even on St. Patrick's Day.

  16. This is so my favorite blog ever in the history of student blogging. EVER (Holding up my cell at home asthough at a concert)

  17. As being the drummer in the band, I'd have to say I do not have a favorite song as all of them are number 1 hits. As for the impromptu topics, here are a few:
    Why are people afriad of flying, an embarrassing past experience, and your opinion on the tuition increase...just to name a few

  18. Ellen's Irish is awsome dude!!! there is nothing greater than their world hit..NO CLASS ON ST. PATTY'S DAY!!! i absolutly loved the power and emotions that came from that song. But the no class was the best!
    Some topics that i would like to see is an invention of some sort. Something that cleans your house and massages your back at the same time. lol. Or maybe a cruse line vacation that we are promoting. Yeah thats it.
    Well enough with that back to doing some more pop logs. Fair well and ROCK ON DUDES...(iv always wanted to say that.)
    -Alexander L. Ballesteros

  19. Ellen is Irish band is very talented group. I went to thier concert last week and I met them backstage. It was an awesome moment:) You guys are the best!!!
    My topic suggestion for wednesday's speech would be becoming a safe driver/responsible driver.
    -Anna Marie A.

  20. Ellen is Irish band might be a talented group, never mind,whatever you say guys, you are a new generation with new vision on everything as i was once back in my teen-years. As to impromptu midterm speech, for me it would be like swimming in a lake at a winter day...brrrr... Topic suggestions: environmental issues, recycling, green technologies,or going green what that means for some people, and so on.

  21. hmm good song name??? drink and drink fight and fight lol....a topic id like to see would be the best way to Bulls..ting 101 the masterfull art of thinking on your feet even if the thoughts arent coming from your mind..or maybe something we all have some knowledge of to survive a 730 am class


  22. Ellen is Irish cant be described without really paying tribute to one of their best songs, "SEA Cowboy Boom" combining the interests of the cowboy lifestyle and the life of living in a world underwater. Think horses and cows are pain on land well you should think about how much of a pain a sea-horse and sea-cow would be. Such thought provoking lyrics such as this can not and will not be rivaled in my lifetime i am sure. Cant wait to see them again :D

    Now on to topics well, honestly i want to see someone do a speech on get ready for it..................
    (some more dots).......
    Soda or Why sandra is such a great teacher :D (see what i did there?)
    ~Daniel Rivera

  23. Victoria Venegas

    Well what can I say about this talented band, Ellen is Irish. These guys are just awesome how they are able to provide such entertainment. My favorite song by Ellen is Irish is, "Hot August Nights". The song is just an amazing masterpiece and I love rocking out to this hit, my absolute favorite.

    A topic that I would enjoy giving is one that is entertaining. Such a topic may include, the joys of owning pets.

  24. Ellen is Irish was a freakin awesome band. they were super talented, in a not so talented way. The song that i always love was "where am i?" where they talked about how they so confused and didnt know where they were. Extremely great song! THEY ROCK OUT, GET HIT IN THE HEAD WITH THE GUITAR AND GET KNOCKED OUT!

    A good topic for the impromptu speech would be something that has to do with sports. that would probably be the best! :D

    Frank The Tank!!! (Francisco Lopez)

  25. Guadalupe Villa =)March 23, 2010 at 4:12 PM

    oo yah definately an awesome band if not my favorite =) Just went to their concert not to long ago and came back to my communications class with no voice hehe!!! Well i think an interesting topic would have to be how to be a a succesful person =D or the best vacation spot ahh cant wait for spring break ooo and by the way dont miss out on their upcoming tour

  26. Megan Miranda said..

    okay so like Ellen is Irish is like the best band eveRRRRRRR!!! especially i LOVEE their hit "oopps WHERE is my gluestick?!" i made sure i had my glue stick 24/7 after that one.. THANKS GUYS! As for a impromptu speech topic.. i would say something like number 2 penicls.. i dont know why but yeah there you go =]
