Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Chapter 14-22 QUIZ: Write down answers Or print out--Due Mon 4/5 in class!

1. From Ignacio and Megan: Choose the best way to minimize powerpoint complications:
A). Familiarize yourself with the audio/visual equipment ahead of time.
B). Use a significant amount of loud, flashy visual and sound effects.
C). Save files and presentation material into different folders, usb ports and flash drives.
D). Avoid horizontal stripes.

2. From Alyssa and Michelle: Which is NOT part of an introduction according to Sandra's annoying outline:
A). Thesis
B). Examples and Support
C). Attention Getter
D).Credibility Statement

3. From Dan and Stan: Which of the following is not an effective use of language?
A). Malapropisms
B). Concrete Language
C). Alliteration

4. From Celia, Victoria and Mando: According to chapter17, a speaker who delivers a well recieved speech should ____________.

5. What factors influence the proper volume of good speech delivery? ____________    ______________

6. From Keona, Anthony, Frank, Joe: In chapter 14, name and describe at least 2 types of outline. (2 parts)

7. From Alex and Jazmine: "Boldface" in chapter 21 refers to:
A). Speaker confidence and use of "bold" expressions.
B). The proud leader of the Native American tribe who established the 5 cannons of rhetoric.
C).  Aristotle's boyhood nickname.
D). Bold lettering style/font.

8. From Alyx and Kylen: T or F ??? 
A Flipchart combines sound, video, text and images into a single production.

9). While speaking, connect with the audience by making:
A). Eye contact
B). winking and then blowing on the tip of your index finger as though it is a hot gun that just went off.
C). Dates with single audience members.
D). popcorn

10). From Sandra:  Haphazardly pointing the bright light of the outdated overhead projector right into the eyes of the class while slurping coffee is an example of ____________.

11). When should a handout be distributed during an effective speech? ______________________

12). The "Talking Heads" in chpt 19 are:
A). A bad rock band from the early 90's Sandra enjoyed before losing her hearing.
B). A special occassion speech which includes elaborate head movements but no gestures.
C). Speakers who remain stiff or freeze behind a podium or microphone.
D). Little sayings you might say to yourself if nervous during your speech to prevent fainting. For example: "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and gosh darn it I can do this thing."

13). For my informative speech topic, I plan to discuss __________________ .