Sunday, April 4, 2010

INFORM This! On bats,glow worms and spring break.....

Hi and welcome back from spring break--We arein the home stretch towards summer now--time to crank it up and push for the grade you know you deserve!!! This means attention to all outline details...say it with me now: Introduction including attn getter thesis/purpose, preview of mp's, credibility, connection to audience and transition, then the body including 3 main points supported by analogies,examples and citations and visual aids, transition to the conclusion, which includes conclusive language a review of main points, restatement of thesis and a memorable, fabulous ending, followed by an alphabetical list of references you sited from according to APA or MLA---By the way--how fun were the impromptu speeches? Great topic suggestions!

On to informative speaking, when we tell our audiences either about something new and unusual OR provide new insight or a new take on an older idea! For this blog, we'll do a kind of topic brainstorming exercise to open your post-spring break mind again! you need to read the previous posting and pull a potential informative topic from the previous student's idea--So post a favorite film, song or artist along with a key point that attracts you to this subject--the next person who posts can show how to take that FABULOUS bit of info and turn it into a GREAT speech theis ofr an informative speech! I'll get us started--I watched the Planet Earth BBC series and got a huge kick out of the bats and glow worms--creepy weird crawly things and flying creepy things too! I learned that bats' poo actually is the mainstay to a cave ecosystem since it doesn't get any sunlight for photosynthesis and glowworms have a gland in their behind's that produces a "glow" so they can trap and eat their prey! GROSS, but kinda cool too--now somebody turn these musings into a good thesis for an info speech followed by your own observations/viewings or listenings!


  1. Hmm magical glowing poo??? idk i guess the importance of bull(or in this case bat)shit in our lives lol...ugh hmm but for reals i gues how the bat single handedly is a huge importance to the caves eco system. Well favorite film.. right now probably all saints day. two vigalanty brothers are back to clean up there name after they were set up for murder...i better put my name on this ive forgotten to do this already-mando

  2. Bats,caves and worms interesting combination. I did not know that glowworms have that gland that makes them glow. I guess a worm has to stay alive and eat what is on the food chain. My current favorite film would be Zombieland. 4 humans are trying to survive in a zombie infested world and are trying to make the best of their lives without becoming a zombie themselves. It also gives off some pretty valuable rules so that in case of a zombie apocalypse we are ready!

  3. TO build on Eric's post, I think a good topic for an informative speech would be to inform about the origin of zombies. I know rigor mortis is involved, because the stiffening of the body can produce twitches of the body, since it doesnt tense up all at once. IT comes from voodoo culture and beliefs.

    My favorite song right now would have to be mi delirio by Anahí. She kinda of (totally) skanked out for the video and the song is quite skanky too. She apparently upset mexican government officials because they think the song and music video are offensive to the mentally ill, because she is seen in bra and panties and at some point a straight jacket and shes in a mental asylum. I dont really see how it could be offensive to mentally ill, unless they dont want to be thought of as sexy. Maybe its her making it seem fun and exciting to be committed? I dont know.

  4. Glowing worm poo? Now that's something I would never guess a worm would have to do or have in order to catch their prey but it is the cycle of life.
    One of my favorite movies would be Coach Carter. Coach Carter instills great basketball skills, discipline, hard work, morals and values into high school boys growing up in the ghetto. The boys problems aren't just on the court but also in school. Coach Carter teaches them if they want to play basketball then they must do well in school. He continuously says student athlete, student comes first. oh and I have also forgot to put my name so this is Jordan.

  5. Glow worms, zombies, mental asylums.. its blogs like these that truly show that the possibilities are endless! Going off of what Stefan said, one could talk about mental institutions and the different reactions people have towards potentially offensive statements towards the mentally ill. I know Madonna got a lot of media backlash for using the term "emotionally retarded," so a speech on the different sensitivities towards certain groups could be interesting. Or, going off of Jordan's movie, one could talk about how sports and extracurricular activities relate to/affect grades.

    As for my favorite movie... Well, I can never pick just one, but I really like "Gia" right now. Not quite a feel-good movie, but it talks about supermodel Gia Carangi and her lifestyle as one of the first supermodels on the scene, and someone who also had a notorious drug addiction, and such a movie could easily relate to an informative speech about the "price of fame" or all the potentially ugly influences that come with being the center of attention ;).

  6. Yea bat poo is the best once you throw it on the grill....haha. Current TV/movies watched recently for me, hmmm, a lot of Sportscenter and just saw some clips from Saving Private Ryan. But I'd have to say my favorite movie right now is I Love You, Man. I think a good idea for an informative speech would be the social effects of marriage...that is, how relationships with other people are changed once you tie the knot. Other than that...haven't been listening to much music lately, I'm sick and tired of the radio stations up here in Sac, they keep repeating the same songs over and over again...take some lessons from the Bay, their radio stations are far better. Kyle

  7. ew bats are gross! my favorite film right now would have to be, blind side!! blind side is about a young african american teenager that is taken under a wealthy families wing. the young boy succeeds in plenty of things that the family helped him out with, but most importantly the mom learns and succeeds as well. a great thesis for this movie would teaching someone something, you may learn something from that person.
    -alexander l. ballesteros

  8. ew bats are gross! my favorite film right now would have to be, blind side!! blind side is about a young african american teenager that is taken under a wealthy families wing. the young boy succeeds in plenty of things that the family helped him out with, but most importantly the mom learns and succeeds as well. a great thesis for this movie would teaching someone something, you may learn something from that person.
    -alexander l. ballesteros

  9. Victoria Venegas

    The Blind Side was a touching story. It is nice to see that a great family took this teenager in despite what others may think. A thesis statement for this film would be: Despite the cruel obstacles in life one can overcome such catastrophes and gain success in life.
    My favorite song is by my all time favorite The Beatles, which is Don’t Let me Down. The song was dedicated to Yoko Ono by John Lennon. Don’t let me down was the thing John wanted Yoko to know, he also wanted to let her know that there has not been anyone that has loved him as much as she does. He sings how their love is something that will last forever and has no past. I think if a person truly is in love with someone, they will never let that person down because of the way they feel for one another.

  10. Daniel Rivera

    The Song "Don't Let me Down" by the Beatles is a very special song because it can teach who ever listens to it, how to truly show that you love that person. By never letting that person down you, are doing all you can do to keep that person happy. Thesis for this song would go like this: The Beatles Song "Don't Let me Down" contains a powerful message about life and love that can help sustain a healthy relationship.

    My Favorite Film is Zombie Land. It is a comedy, with a bit of zombies action combining two good movie aspects into one. Without giving too much away, it is a story of lonesome characters all searching for feelings of the things they lost when the zombies attacked. Those things being a family, home, and a twinkie! In the end they find that they have created a new family along the way. It has no dry and boring moments and is great entertainment for all ages.

  11. Okay Daniel Zombie Land...I have yet to see it but I think that we can all relate to searching for something we used to hold dear or maybe even took for granted. Thesis: Zombie Land is is a movie that will make you laugh and touch your soul by helping you realize what in life you can't live without family a home and twinkies.

    I'm a mother of three so lately I've been watching many pg rated movies and musicals. Most recently we watched, Ella Enchanted, super cute funny and entertained everyone the message is one regarding freewill and equal rights. Maybe a bit heavy for a "children's" movie but it's never to early to teach your children about basic human rights and good character.

  12. Ella Echanted I haven't even seen but. ... Thesis: Ella Enchanted is a entertaing film with a strong message that anyone of all ages can learn from and enjoy ...

    A favorite movie of mine would be friday. Starring Ice Cube & Chris Tucker. It is good comdey movie to watch when you dont't have nothing to do on a friday.


  13. Bats and Glow worms are very interesting animals. i mean you got your bat that's poo is vital to the eco system of caves and you got your glow worms whoms butt glows and allows photosynthesis. crazy stuff. i would use them two as a imforative speech about caves eco system.

    my favorite film would have to be the Blind Side, seeing how im a big football fan, it only right that thats the film i choose. The movie really shows you how hard life can be at times, but remineds you that no matter how hard things are at times, they can and will get better. it reminds us to be better people and shows that there really are people out there who care about others and do not hesitate to lend a helping hand!

  14. Jazmine Rojas-Escajeda

    Bats are a vital part of the ecosystem in caves which give the glow worms a part as well. The glow worms which are also in caves give a glow to attract there pray, they ar also important to photosynthesis. I would talk about the caves of the earth and what goes on in such dark scary places.

    My favorite movie would have to blind side right now.It tells me a wonderful story of such a magical family that didn't let racsim get into the way and didn't care what others said about the situation. A strong women took in a stranger because she knew it was the right thing to do. Sandra played the awesome mother in this movie and this movie gave me a will to be like her. well not all the way but

  15. ignacio said...

    bat's... i had to kill one at work one time, it was of a buisness card. i know im sorry. but i find them cool, i couldnt stop staring at favorite move is American Graffiti. who wouldnt love to have lived in the fiftys? its a movie about a group of teenagers about to finish high school and its the last weekend before they go off to college. it shows how they cruised the streets, go to their high school dance and most importantly drag raced.ive watched it over and over. we can all find something to relate to in this movie. it was also the first film Gorge Lucas directed.

  16. Look at me playing catch-up!

    Bats are just scary. Watching them crawl on netting in an enclosure at a zoo? Freaking CREEPY. Erica I LOVE SYTYCD! ...when I have time to watch it. There is a world full of dance beyond ballet and jazz. (and then we explain what some of the uncommon varieties are because anyone can dance. it's just a matter of what form)

    I love Sweeney Todd. On stage or film. Extra points for Alan Rickman. It's the story of a barber returning to London after serving time in a penal colony on a false charge. He returns to find his wife and daughter gone. He seeks revenge on the judge who stole his life from him while his neighbor bakes the most unsavory of meat pies.

