Monday, May 10, 2010

College Pays BUT Some jobs don'

Tips for my scholars!


  1. Its not all about money. I think the most important thing is that you are happy, doing something you love, and making enough to live off of. I would rather be poor and happy, than rich and miserable. I want to be a doctor, which pays a lot, but thats not why I want to do it. I think it will be really rewarding to help people, to save lives, to teach people how to be healthy. I also want to work with drs without borders, and offer my services for free. Next summer I will be doing an unpaid internship in Mexico and will be offering free medical care to orphans, indegenous people, and the elderly people of Oaxaca, who don't really have any other way to get health care. This program gives antibiotics, prenatal care, and a lot, and normally people pay 4000 for the opportunity to help people. I hope everyone will go to school to do something they will enjoy doing for the rest of their life, rather than seeking the highest paying job, based on that alone!

  2. Also, I don't know if you noticed I offered advice to the classmates for their persuasive speeches on the blog, which you said could be extra credit. I am watching Food Inc right now, but dont remember what I am supposed to write about.



  3. That's so cool, thanks for sharing--Did you like Food Inc?

  4. try this:

    -- A four year degree in anything
    -- plus, $70,000 for flight training

    starting wage: $17,000 annually as either a flight instructor or a first officer for a regional airline. By far the worst...obviously I don't do it for the money. However, end of career flying for FedEx or Delta Airlines can pay upwards of $200,000! day.

  5. ok so I guess the topic is to write about your career choice so my career choice is being a CHP or a local cop. I want to do this because I want to help take the bad-guys off the streets. If I pull you over for speeding expect a ticket that's what keeps California out of the hole somewhat, anyways. Salary wise a 1st year CHP officer makes $50,000 at least and upwards from there. But then the downturn to that is where they work the first 2 years of duty. I like the fact that it pays well but I also have seen and know that there are a lot of bad people out there and I want to help take them off the streets and make Sacramento a safer community for all.

  6. True that!! unfortunately it is but i agree with stefan. Man as long as your dang happy and you got what you need lifes good!! Why be filthy rich and be miserable. Like yes there are careers in which really pay 250,000+ yet most likely those people are constantly working and dont really spend time with their families which is very sad because id rather be happy with my family than have Money in the bank. Though i do want a job in which i would ACTUALLy LOVE and overall happy and successful!!
