Tuesday, April 27, 2010

BKWLD--Double Cool/Douple points, for crying in the night!!!!

There is a new and oh-so-cool company in town doing really well right now called BKWLD--It is innovative and internationally recognized. Their site is a good PERSUASIVE VISUAL tool WHICH CAN help us to understand audience analysis and why it matters for interactive marketing as well as public speaking. Their blog also demonstrates other ways BLOGS are used in the professional world, not just cheesy community college classes held in broken down portables!
1. Check out their SWEETwebsite at BKWLD.com for 15 min or so -- especially the "our work" icon -- see the cool clients they rock, like Gavin Rossdale (Mr. Gwen Stefani!) and T-Pain and Ice-T, even Indiana Jones' Games!
2. Shake your head slowly, say aloud "Dang that's hip!" to no one in particular...
3. Post something nice/complimentary anywhere on the site for DBL credit for this week! EZ as ABC:
A)--post it on their site at 'contacts' OR B) email them at  mailto:info@bkwld.com     Or  try option C)  --post a comment on the BKWLD blog by clicking on BUKlife. From their website your comment will show up on my blog so that I  SEE U did it. Keep posts VERY short, just a line or 2 about what you like about their company, philosophy or website, or congratulate them on their success, then type in your full name followed by (Sandra's speech class at SCC.)
Here's the kicker, you MUST use the phrase "for crying in the night" when you post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Ryan and the BKWLD team,
For crying in the night, I just love your killer graphics on this site!
Smiles, Donny Kay from Sandra's speech class at SCC
I will decode/explain and unpack the mystery in class as long as my alarm goes off tomorrow. XO

Monday, April 19, 2010

Persuasive Topics Due 4/19

Hi Gang--Hopefully you remembered not to go to class on 4/19!!!! Keep working on those pop logs and for this blog please submit your preferred persuasive speech topic, and tell us a bit about why you chose this topic for our final speech of the semester! Why does it matter to YOU??? Remember this speech is 6-8 minutes long and includes 2 visual aids and 3 oral citations with complete references! You must state the purpose as persuasive using terms such as "convince," "insist" and or "strongly urge!" Feel free to post enthusiasm about classmates topic ideas or offer input for additional blogging points! See you for more great speeches in class! If you make it out to CRC for the extra credit star gazing tonight, call or text my cell at 799-7930 to find us around 8pm, but rain could cancel the event fyi! Smiles--Sandra

Sunday, April 4, 2010

INFORM This! On bats,glow worms and spring break.....

Hi and welcome back from spring break--We arein the home stretch towards summer now--time to crank it up and push for the grade you know you deserve!!! This means attention to all outline details...say it with me now: Introduction including attn getter thesis/purpose, preview of mp's, credibility, connection to audience and transition, then the body including 3 main points supported by analogies,examples and citations and visual aids, transition to the conclusion, which includes conclusive language a review of main points, restatement of thesis and a memorable, fabulous ending, followed by an alphabetical list of references you sited from according to APA or MLA---By the way--how fun were the impromptu speeches? Great topic suggestions!

On to informative speaking, when we tell our audiences either about something new and unusual OR provide new insight or a new take on an older idea! For this blog, we'll do a kind of topic brainstorming exercise to open your post-spring break mind again! you need to read the previous posting and pull a potential informative topic from the previous student's idea--So post a favorite film, song or artist along with a key point that attracts you to this subject--the next person who posts can show how to take that FABULOUS bit of info and turn it into a GREAT speech theis ofr an informative speech! I'll get us started--I watched the Planet Earth BBC series and got a huge kick out of the bats and glow worms--creepy weird crawly things and flying creepy things too! I learned that bats' poo actually is the mainstay to a cave ecosystem since it doesn't get any sunlight for photosynthesis and glowworms have a gland in their behind's that produces a "glow" so they can trap and eat their prey! GROSS, but kinda cool too--now somebody turn these musings into a good thesis for an info speech followed by your own observations/viewings or listenings!