Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Blog 2: Introductory Speeches

For your first speech, you will introduce a classmate after you and your partner interview each other. Speakers should speak for about 2 minutes each on February 1st (Tuesday) using the outline found here on the blog, CLICK on the right hand side on 'outasight-outline' near "syllabus" under 'pages'--Organization is an important aspect of public speaking. It requires planning and logical flow of thoughts. Are you an organized person or is the idea of an outline frustrating for your creative, free-flowing spirit? Try to think of the outline as a helpful "map" of where you will take your audience. Use signposting (words like 'first' and 'now' and 'turning to my next point' and 'finally') in a good speech to keep the audience following along as you cover a begining (introduction) middle (body) and end (conclusion).

A brief outline is worth 10 of the points in this first speech assignment, so hand me your outline, typed only, after making your intro speech. During your interview, ask unique and unexpected questions to get material for an amusing, exciting or compelling speech. Your interview notes can be turned into an outline from there. For this speech, you will share two interesting and factual things about your partner and then include one bold faced lie the two of you agree on. After the speech our class will try and guess the lie--Prizes may be awarded! Interview will take place on Tuesday during class so don't miss out! Respond to the following prompt for this blog:

Using an outline makes me feel ___________. Why? What part of the outline are you most concerned about/not understand/hate using? How can we make using the outline FUN??? Respond now, inquiring minds are awaiting your brilliant response!!!


  1. Using an outline makes me feel "indifferent." I don't think an outline applies to every speech length, esp. if they're short speeches. The introduction of the outline is what I'm concerned about. It's not always easy to introduce a topic interestingly.

  2. Mary Tacotaco

    Using an outline makes me feel very comfortable. It gives me the opportunity to organize all of my thoughts and the order in which I'd like to present my information. I think the introduction may be the thing that I'm mostly concerned about. The introduction is what catches a person's attention.

  3. Jesse Saeteurn

    Using an outline makes me feel like a key to a door which unlocks my ability to think outside of the box in which I can then create my speech. I do agree with Mary and Tan that the introduction is somewhat challenging to do. Eventually if everyone can pick their own topic then the outline will be fun to do.

  4. I agree with Tan Tran when saying that using an outline makes me feel indifferent. I believe there is a place for an outline and its not for every occasion, especially impromptu speeches. However, i do enjoy using them due to the fact that i like to be organized and it helps me rein in my thought process a bit. I do feel the same way about introductions as with what my previous peers posted, sometimes its the into that can be a bit difficult.

    Michael olvera

  5. So i had to be out of class Tuesday, did everyone pick their partners already, or are we doing that on Tuesday?? Thanks for the info.

  6. Using an outline makes me feel organized. I am not very good at speaking in front of a lot of people. Sometimes, when I get so nervous, I would forget what I wanted to say. Therefore, having an outline can keep me on track and stay focused on the topic. Like Tan, Mary, Jesse, Mikey and probably the most of the class, the part of the outline that I am most concerned about is the introduction. I think that the intro can "make or break" a speech. Without a good introduction, the speaker will not be able to keep the audience's attention and interest. To make the outline fun, I think, we would need to find something interesting to talk about.
    - Annie Leung :)

  7. Mikey,
    We haven't picked our partners for the first speech yet. I am pretty sure we are doing that on Tuesday before we do the interviews.
    -Annie :)

  8. For me, using an outline is a neccessity and not just for this class. That being said, using an outline makes me feel comfortable and prepared. I feel when I have my thoughts and ideas written down I am much more prepared on the topic I will be discussing, so I am not concerned about any part of this or any other outline. Also, making an outline can be fun! My way of doing that - using fun colors... and of course the occasional sticker.

    I think this speech will be a lot of fun for everyone, and it seems like we will be getting a lot of laughs!

  9. Annie -
    I think having an outline will help you with the "forgetting what you want to say" problem. I've had that happen to me before and it's not fun! Even writing a little not on the palm of your hand can sometimes help. ;)

  10. Using and outline makes me feel organized and somewhat restricted. I worry that the outline will take away from the spontaneity of my speech and anyone else's for that matter. So I think the most challenging part for me is going to be able to find that healthy balance between and organized speech and a personable speech.
    - Mackenzie Rossi

  11. Using an outline makes me feel organized and well prepared for my speech. However, I get nervous using an outline because some times, I'm able to come up with other points/ideas that weren't included in the outline and then, I begin to struggle on where and how to include this new information. The most challenging part of an outline to me is "preview main points" and "transition". I believe I have difficulties trying to make these parts sync with my speech. I think I can make my outline fun with multiple rehearsals of the outline and try the best I can to stick with the information I have already outlined.

  12. Lisette Settle

    Using an outline makes me feel organized because an outline allows me to focus on certain points I need to address in my speech. However, in most cases I end up outlining my speech after I finish writing it. I encounter the same conflict as Bea. I also find myself struggling to include new information into my outline once my outline has already been completed. Therefore, I find it easier to drum up a quick outline of points I must include in my speech and if there is enough room, I include new information as well. I find this method to be much more fun because in the end I feel confident in the information I provided in my speech.

  13. Using an outline makes me feel awesome because I have something to follow and I won't be all over the place with my presentations. That's what happens to me sometimes when making long presentations for classes. I hate the word thesis, so I will be having a major problem understanding and getting my point across on that part. We should have an example of the the Outstanding Outline in class, but for us to remember the outline it should be very funny/stupid. I believe that's the best way to make something fun and easy to remember.

    Sabeena Ghani

  14. Kimberly Coover
    Com 301

    Using an outline makes me feel prepared because I have already planned out everything that I need to say. The part of the outline that I am most concerned about is the "connecting with the audience" because I am not quite sure what is meant by that. I know that I must connect with the audience but I do not know what the definite time should be. Using an outline is fun because you are preparing for your speech and it helps take some of the anxiety away.

  15. Using an outline makes me feel annoyed because I feel that it takes to much out of flexibility. I wish that it would allow the people to express themselves the way they want to, but then again some maybe confused if outlines are not used so I am annoyed. I am slightly confused about transitions, is it about going from one topic to another. The other one is restating the thesis not so sure. In class later I would believe that an explanation would help everyone make it clearer.

    Abra Rattanasamay

  16. Using an outline makes me feel prepared and confident. I really like outlines because they help me arrange my thoughts in an effective way and I'm able to pull out key concepts that I would like to highlight. The parts of the outlines that can be challenging for me is the attention getter at the beginning and ending memorably. I think those parts can be tricky because as a speaker, you have to be able to capture the audience so your approach needs to be based off of your audience. I'm unsure how we can make this outline fun... but by practicing it we will get better and earn better grades and good grades are fun!!!

    Kar'Lei Tan

  17. Using an outline makes me feel organized and prepared. It allows for the information to be neatly displayed and reduce the amount of nervousness. While outlines can be incredibly helpful sometimes finding the information to put in the outline can be tricky. As others have mentioned an attention getter, a thesis, and parts of the conclusion can be difficult to determine. Practice makes perfect!!

    Mollie Whalen

  18. An out line can olny make me more confidant. With the speach being small the outline will help keep the closing where it is suposed to be and not 4 or 5 min. later. These can be difficult speaches with shy people. It is good we have time to come up with facts of our selves before we get to class...

    Scott Hall

  19. Using an outline makes me feel stressed. When I use an outline I get more confused than when I just directly write my paper. It takes too much time to write one and to figure out how to incorporate it into the paper. Although I don't really like using outlines, I will give it a try. I am confident with the way I come up with openers but the conclusion part I always have trouble with. Excited to see how this speech will turn out lol.
    -Natalie Medina

  20. Using an outline makes me feel comfortable and nervous at the same time because though I feel that it can help me to organize my speech but i also feel that it can also make me just try to read when I give my speech and my delivery.
    -Jaelyn Archie

  21. using an outline would not be hard. id probably enjoy it for the most part. but i like using outlines for speeches. helps control my speech and help my speech anxiety. i can make it fun will odd questions that is require detailed answer. but yeah thats my 2 cents.
    Raymond Cardoza

  22. Using an outline makes me feel limited. Really, I do like an outline i.e. having a beginning, a middle, and an end, but the way the outline is designed for this class seems a bit limited. I would like to figure out my own way of constructing my speech without having to follow the rigid outline that is given. That said, I think I will be able to get past this initial discomfort in regards to the outline and write something that falls within these parameters. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I like the idea of an outline, but I'd like to make my own that could be more accessible to my writing style.

    -Drew Kruschel

  23. Using an outline makes matters easier in ways but also harder. I'm usually better at writing off the top of my head and going with it.

    Yonas Mesmer
