Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Welcome Spring 2011 Public Speaking Bon Vivants!!!

Bon vivant is a French term for one who lives the "good life!" Hope the syllabus made sense to you--I have it posted here on the blog for you too, in case you lose it or sell it or whatever.... Click on "comments" right underneath this prompt to respond to this first practice blog by

1.) typing your name into the textbox and
2.) letting me know you understand the syllabus--get a shout out if you like!

Remember to click on the 'anonymous' bubble right below the textbox if you don't want to join blogger or you do not have a google or yahoo account and just want to post quickly and get on with your "good life!"  Let the smooth-talking begin!!!! Smiles--S


  1. Hi!
    My name is Annie Leung and I completely understand the syllabus.
    Hope that we will all have a wonderful and successful semester and a "good life!"
    Annie :)

  2. Aloha! My name is Mary Tacotaco and I understand the syllabus that was given to us yesterday. I'm pretty excited for this class and hopefully it will be an awesome semester! =]

    -Mary Tacotaco

  3. Hey everyone!!! My name is Jesse Saeteurn and the syllabus is simple and clean to understand. I hope that this semester I can enjoy working with everyone. GO COMMUNICATION 301! (:


  4. This is Jacob Franckiewicz. I understand the syllabus and just bought the last used text book from the SCC bookstore yesterday. Sorry everyone =).

    ~Jacob Franckiewicz

  5. Hi everyone!!!
    My name is Lisette Settle. I understand the syllabus and hope to work with everyone and hope to enjoy taking communication together. See ya in class.

    Lisette Settle :)

  6. Hi You Wild Speakers! Welcome! Sandra

  7. Hi, my name is Cheng Saephan. I understand the syllabus. I hope to enjoy the class with my peers. I'm ready for this class, and yet I am a little bit nervous too. Have a great semester everyone!

    -Cheng Saephan

  8. Good Morning!

    I completely understand the syllabus and am looking forward to a fun communications class this spring!

    Holly Kleinfall

  9. Hello my name is Jaelyn Archie. I definately understand the syllabus.I hope that this will be a great experience.

  10. Hey,
    My name is Mackenzie Rossi. I have read the syllabus and completely understand it. I honestly don't have any questions or concerns :P

  11. My name is Natalie Medina. I understand the syllabus, but not the blogging thing. Hope I did this right =)

  12. Hello, my name is Olga Karnaukh. I read and understood the syllabus. As you wrote in our syllabus "this is a class that I have dreaded and avoided taking", but I wish we all will have a good experience and will learn how to be good public speakers.

  13. Hi everyone. My name is Tan Tran. I have read and understood all of the syllabus. I hope this will be a fun and interesting semester for me and everyone else.

  14. Hey my name's Briana Swain and I read and understood the syllaus, no further questions please.

  15. Hello! My name is Kar'Lei Tan and I fully understand the syllabus for Communication 301! I'm looking forward to this semester and know I will learn a lot of good information that will help me in the future!

  16. Hello, This is Christian Ramos. I understood the syllabus perfectly and I'm looking foward to this semester!

  17. Hi everyone!!

    My name is Mollie Whalen. I completely understood the syllabus. Looking forward to a great semester!

  18. Hey everyone :)

    My name is Sabeena Ghani. I totally understand the syllabus and just checked out the textbook from the library for 2 weeks. Sorry you guys, but hey we can still be friends. :D

    I love to blog, so you guys will be hearing from me often in the comment boxes.

    I think Mary tacotaco has the coolest last name ever!!!

    Take Care

  19. My name is Annie Alkons and I understand the syllabus :]

  20. I understand the syllabus and am ready for anything bring it on.

    Scott Hall

  21. My name is Drew Kruschel. I have read and understand the syllabus. Public speaking is a bit of a fear of mine (maybe not more than death as was mentioned in class) but I am looking forward to learning how to control my anxiety about this subject along with everyone else.

  22. i know tha Syllabus like the back of my hand, im the man, i know i can can. and ima make a band after i take a trip to SF to play in the sand. thatd be grand. :)

    and my names Raymond Cardoza

  23. Hello Fellow peers!

    I understand the syllabus and hope to get the most out of this class and semester! New to the whole blog thing but hey i'm game! See y'all in class!

    Michael Olvera aka Mikey

  24. Hello everyone,

    My name is Beatrice Okokpujie but you can call me Bea. I apologize for my delay in posting. I just joined the class, I have read the syllabus posted online and I understand everything. I hope to see you in class on Tuesday and I also look forward to interacting with you all. I know this class will be lots of fun and excitement. See y'all in class!
