Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Demonstration Speech: How-To Conduct an Orchestra for a Symphony

One form of informative speaking includes the demonstration and/or a How-To speech. These are process explanations, which, if involving cookies that we eat at the end, can be darn good rhetoric people! Bakers, you know who you are! However, many complex processes just can't be explained if a few steps as part of a 6 minute info speech, in a broken-down -trailer.... OH, sorry, I mean a fine community college portable with a dusty overhead projector and no screen.(!) FOR THIS BLOG: Consider here, and reveal, what would a really bad demonstration be about?  Why would it be unrealistic or rediculous to try and demonstrate this? Finally suggest one dangerous and impractical visual aid for this speech that should never be made! Keep it PG and show me some audience analysis with your amusing response! (I am not kidding about the cookies people)


  1. I'm guessing that open-heart surgery would not go well in our "broken-down trailer". Does this make us trailer trash? Are we all cuzzins now? Anyway, the sanitary conditions in our 'classroom' would prohibit any type of surgery. Even though we could all use a heart-health lesson, the blood and open chest cavity would probably be off-putting to most in the audience. We could certainly have fun with the anesthesia, but with all the scalpels and saws around it could get dangerous. As the great Hunter S. Thompson once observed, "There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge." (oral citation!) Who would be my volunteer anyway? Even though I have confidence in myself, I have not yet operated on a live human, so no credibility.
    Maybe Kanye would do it for a little press.
    BTW, Sandra is a cookie monster. Somebody better bring some or she might get nasty...

  2. An idea for a really bad demonstration speech would probably be "how to properly wash your dog" or anything with animals. Although they can bring an entertainment value to the speech, often times they can be distracting and cause problems. Washing a dog could get messy and dirty and the audience probably woudln't want soaps suds on their shoes. Also it's not very interesting so the audience could get bored.
    -Heather B.

  3. A bad demonstration speech would gynecologist work. lol like Bradford said above the sanitary conditions are horrible. It would definitely be inappropriate to actually demonstrate this on an actual classmate. We would all probably be kicked out of school. The only place this would actually be appropriate would be in a medical facility and if you were "Shadowing" someone.

    Frances B

  4. a bad demonstration speach could be a speach on STD's and having to show pictures and examples of different STD's. As imformative as it may have to consider your audience in how they might react to examples.

    Ryan Bennett

  5. A bad demonstration speech would be one that tells you "how to roll a blunt." It would be inappropriate to bring marijuana into class and show everyone how to roll it properly. It would be ridiculous to present on such a topic, and show such a visual aid because of legal reasons. Like Frances' topic, the topic that I suggested would probably cause a person to be dismissed from school as well. Also, such a speech would not be interesting to everyone in the audience. Like Ryan stated, you have to consider your audiences' reactions.

    -Kim Truong

  6. To me a really bad demonstration would be about religion.Just one in particular anyone that you may not necessarily be in agreement with. And it would be inappropriate and insensitive to bring in a Bible and exploit what some others may find to be very true to them. This type of speech would could possibly be a very hot topic and would be more argumenative than informative. The audience would be more defensive and the speech would no longer be a speech it would be a debate.

    Katrina Harvey

  7. A bad demonstration speech could be making a weapon with chemical products that are so dangerous when speakers don’t have the perfect staff to control and keep secure the audience. I believe all demonstration speeches are interesting but a speaker first should be analyze the audience. For example, if the audience is from a conservative religion which to keep pure the human body is really important, the speaker should not talk about sex and showing pornographic videos. Also, I agreed with sanitary staff, I believe to show picture about gynecology is gross when we know that every single person in class has different majors and we are not familiar with that kind of information.

    Juliana Diaz

  8. A bad demonstration would be how to restrain feral and domestic cats in the classroom. This would be a bad idea because the audience could be allergic to cats and also the feral cats could get loose in the classroom. This is a ridiculous demonstration because of the type of room our classroom is in, it would be unrealistic to bring feral and domesticated cats in it and take them out to handle. The dangerous visual aid would be a feral cat. They are unpredictable and can get nasty. They are not ones to be handled which is why it is once again ridiculous to bring them in to handle. Also, people are usually allergic to cats, so that can be hazardous to a persons health.

  9. A bad demonstration speech would be “How to tie a shoe.” I believe this would be very boring and unrealistic demonstration speech for a college audience. Most of us, if not all, should already know how to tie ours shoes. If not there are those slip-on shoes or even velcro shoes for those people. An impractical visual aid for this speech would be a picture of a shoe or a shoe lace.

    Tonya Pierson

  10. I believe one of the most absolute ridiculous demonstrations on “How-To” speech would probably be to demonstrate on how to drink your fluid fast by chugging it or slowly. Either by demonstrating drinking slowly in a slow paste or drinking fast by chugging it. There are not many ways to demonstrate on drinking fluid fast or slow. I don’t’ think there will be much to cover if someone wanted to demonstrate the drinking process of fluid. Which can kind of be boring… The most dangerous and impractical visual for this speech would be of a caution / danger signage; because the caution and danger signage doesn't go with my speech.

    Mary Jo Saelee

  11. umm.... Cookies~ :p
    Bad Demonstrations... well, just whatever the audience don't pay attation to. EX: Demonstration how to play chess to some 4 years old kid. but if you do it right with a good attation grabber, it may be a good demonstrations as well. (what I am trying to say is from a bed to good demonstrations is up to the speaker )
    Johnny Z

  12. I am thinking that changing a head gasket on a car engine would probably be a bad demonstration speech in our little trailer. First of all trying to get the car engine in the class alone would be challenging. This demonstration would probably turn off most of the audience. Not everyone would find it interesting or excited to see how the water pump gets removed to get to the head gasket.
    They may even say what? just take it to the mechanic. Others would question my knowledge of mechanics and I would have a credibility problem. There is also the issue of active participation. Some in the classs would not want to get grease on themselves or scrape their hands as they are taking the engine apart. This type of hands on demonstration speech would not be feasable in our classroom.

    Joel Lopez

  13. One possible bad speech would be a "how-to" demonstration of building a house of playing cards. It's really neat and all, but watching someone put together a house one card at a time could be potentially boring and long. In addition, even if he was incredibly good, there is still a high possibility of the cards falling and that would be incredibly lame for the speaker and the audience. Any project that requires a lot of set up can be potentially bad because things can go horribly wrong. It's one thing if your visual is merely an aid in the presentation - you can probably still make do if you're prepared. But if your visual IS your presentation, then there's a problem...

    On a sillier note, another inappropriate topic: How to extract information using a car battery, jumper cables, and a pair of needle nose pliers. I'll leave you to think about the dangers of this one =P

  14. How to sell babies on the black market would probably be the most rediculous idea for a how to speach. I think the main problem would be that if college students are your audience they probably already are familiar with this transaction ( gotta pay that tuition). Plus the few people in the class opposed to selling babies would feel alienated. Not to mention how simple this how to would be. A bad idea for a visual aid would be the large amounts of cash you recieved recentley from selling your neighbors pride and joy. If you have a child please don't take this seriously im obviously joking. We all know babies are more prophitable working as slave labor from the home like on John and Kate plus 8.

    Thomas McDowell

  15. Doing a demonstrative speech on "how to swim" may have life saving benefits, but would be very hard to "demonstrate" in a class setting. I imagine there would be some silly gestures during this speech that could make it quite humorous, I dont think the message would really get across. Plus, I think majority of college students have atleast some knowledge of how to swim, and if they don't, they're probably not going to learn by watching this speech.

    Also, a speech on how to ride a bike might not go so well neither. Not only is it irrelevant to your audience, but considering the space constraints of the classroom, this may not be easy to pull off.

  16. There's a lot of weird ideas out here. I think I'd go with "How to Defend Yourself in A Mountain Lion Attack". The prop/visual aid (the puma) would be difficult to handle in such a small room. And while the lesson would be informative for the class, the demonstrator's odds for survival are slim to none. This would be a terrible lesson to try to do in such a small room. There are kids fur alergies to think about, not to mention the irrevocable mental trauma caused by seeing a mountain lion attack up close. Another bad idea would be "How to Sew a Sweater". Not that it's not impressive but I doubt it would be fun to watch. Basically you don't want to be too exciting (lion attack) or too dull (sewing). Anything in between should be fine.

  17. I think a bad topic to talk about is gay rights regardless what you personally believe yourself to be because that's more of a religious issue. It should remain natural in the center of public the public attention and people should be given equal rights. I think it would be a very poor demonstration and educate to show any type of vulgar graphics to influence public opinion. - Mark Burwell

  18. A really bad demonstration would be about how to cook and prepare cat to serve for dinner. Not only is it ridiculous and unrealistic in the American culture, but I know I wouldn’t want to try a sample! A dangerous and impractical visual would be pictures of catching the animal, killing it, and cooking it. Because people don’t see this on a regular it would be sickening. Also people have this animal for pets and would hate to see something like this done with their own eyes.

  19. Not only could the topic be bad, but the topic could be too broad or narrow for a short amount of time. I was trying to think of one that hasn't already been said, presently, I can only think of knitting. Mainly, because it may not interest many people and could be possibly boring. If someone tried to demonstrate infront of the class, it might be hard to see what the speaker is actually doing.

    Ryan Takao

  20. a informative speech about walking. there would be no reson to talk for about 6 mins when everyone in the class is over 18 years of age. by 18 you can walk or not you have already figured it out yourself. drunk driving accidents or dui's in general could be a danger when giving a speech because i feel everyone has a opinion or have been effected by it. so it could be an emotional subject for some.
    Alex Drumheller

  21. i think A really bad demonstration would be about cosmetic srgry bcaz some poeple might be offended or even grossed out.also religion is an other issue which could be related to this..
