Thursday, October 1, 2009

Exploring... no, that's dull, I know: EXPLODING the Narrative!

Time to Tell a Story...together!

Using a narrative, or story-telling technique is a great way to add style to a longer speech! A good story teller doesn't say too much (no rambling) but just the right amount of colorful highlights are included in a brief and intesting was to gain our attention and keep us involved as the details of the speech unfold. Read about this in your textbooks and try it here this week as well. I'll go first. Be sure to read everyone else's entries before you type yours so it makes sense. Add on one 5-7 line paragraph to keep the story going--no profanity or non-PC language please. Also include a reference to one class member (yourself or some one else) in your entry. An audience loves to hear their name mentioned!

OUR STORY TITLE: "Public Speaking Skills Can Save Your LIFE!"
On an ordinary day in an ordinary town, a seemingly ordinary student sat in an ordinary college classroom. There was just one smal, extra-ordinary detail: Johnny Z was a top-secret. public speaking-super hero. Although at first glance, he appeared as ordinary as the students around him, beneath his hoodie he wore a glittery golden cape and concealed super powers, such as 'instant credibility," "transitions for every occasion" and "mind-blowing attention getters." Sitting at a broken desk in the dank, trailer-like portable, JZ pretended to be texting before tonight's class while he actually checked in at super hero headquarters from his fancy I-phone. The words he saw on the tiny screen sent shivers down his spine and he realized tonight would be like no other evening in the history of  public speaking instruction. The text from headquarters warned Johnny Z  the super hero to expect a catastrophic public speaking event that very night in COMM 301 at 7:47pm: "No!" he gasped, not during my Sacred Writing Time!" Just then the classroom went completely dark. Except for the glow worms...


  1. Kanye West suddenly appears in the room and shouts, "I'm sorry JZ, but I just wanted to say that Barack Obama writes the best sacred writing entries ever!"
    Professor Sandra quickly looks over at JZ to determine how well he will counter the interruption. Seeing that he is unable to quickly recover, Sandra throws JZ the "A Pocket Guide to Public Speaking" handbook and tells him to use the knowledge O'Hair has to offer, so as to recover from the interruption. He quickly flips through the section and suddenly, his eyes grows big. He knows how to overcome Kanye...

  2. he is going to send Snugglebums to drop some superior public speaking skills on him. Snugglebums interupted Kanye by saying "I'm sorry Kanye but JZ is a better rapper than you could ever be, but your still an ok rapper." Kanye in disbelief didn't know how to respond. He opened his mouth and.......

  3. that moment a glow worm drops into Kanye's mouth and slides down his throat. And then another and another, until he his covered with them. They go in through his mouth and feast on his huge ego until nothing is left.
    "Hmmmm", thinks JZ.
    "These worms seem to like eating annoying celebrities. I could rid the world of these tiresome attention-getters by capturing them and bringing them here."
    "Are you in Snugglebums?"
    "Oh Yeah!"
    "But we need one more" says JZ as he looks around the room...
    "C'mon Tonya. Grab your snowboard. I think you have super-powers that you have not yet showed us."
    Our brave heroes leave the classroom and head for Lake Tahoe to see who they can find....

  4. ....So THEY HEad to Lake TAhoe. Tonya's blackberry Curve starts playing "Beat it" by the great king of pop Michael Jackson, she looks at JZ and says
    "its headquartes we have a mission!"
    thats when JZ realizes what he has thought of Tonya is TRUE she been holding back on her powers all these Wednesdays in COMM 301!
    "what is it?" JZ asks
    "your not going to believe this, but pinky and the brain are trying to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!" Tonya says with a straight face
    rubbing his fingers together JZ says "ive always wanted to defeat them"
    laughing hysterically Tonya replies "ARE YOU KIDDING ME! you know those are cartoon characters!
    "yea of course" JZ says with his head down.

    There real mission is to save all the celebrity children that are on the ski slope, someone has threatned to blow it up and cause and avalance.

    as they approach Lake Tahoe they run into Pedro who has been elected major and is doin a speech (w/o his notes since he doesnt take them) hmmmm could the major have something to do with this bomb/avalanche??.....

  5. Nicole

    Before Pedro could begin his speech Beyonce struts in with her swage and says At last my love has come again, my lonely days are over. Beyonce notices Kanye glowing like a light bulb, JZ in distraught baffled, not realizing how beautiful his wife is, and the thought of this would coming to an end with the idea of Pinky and the Brain taking over the would. Pedro pulls it together and free styles his speech over whelmed from all the celebrities.

  6. Ryan Bennett

    Before he could finish his speech Barrack Obama fast ropes down from Air Force One with speed and intensity to stop the Pinky and the Brain style take over. He steals the podium from Pedro and goes into "Messiah" mode giving a speech on his beliefes that if we sat down and talked with these evil doers and apologizing for the past 230 years of American oppression, that we can show them the light and cause them to throw down their arms. He concludes his ever so epic speach and jokes "besides destroying the world and this country is my job" pedro, looking very upset and confused does something crazy....

  7. happend, JZ used one of his power; the power of use transition for every occasion and focused Obama Speech in "who wore much better the same dress in the MTV Music Awards '09 Pink or Shakira." Pinky and Brain upset about this stupid speech came to Pedro to propose him a wonderful, brilliant agreement. Pedro who was confusing about the situation, he decided to call to Tonya in Lake Tahoe to discuss about what is going on,but Tonya was so busy to picked her Blackberry up, so Pedro back to Brain and Pinky and decide to talk more about their idea which is....

  8. to defeat JZ in COMM 301's midterm.

    "But Pedro, we're not in COMM 301, we don't know what the midterm is going to be on... how are we going to defeat JZ and take over the world?" Pinky asks Pedro.

    In this instance, Pedro has an epiphany. He remembers that the one and only time he has ever taken notes was when Sandra gave her lecture about the midterm speech. The only problem is he left his notes back in Sacramento, and he was still in Lake Tahoe.

    He turns to Pinky and Brain and says, "We must get back. Go find Tonya, Kanye, and JZ and tell them to get back to COMM class immediately!"

    "But what about Beyonce?" Pinky says.

    "No one cares about Beyonce," says Pedro. "Her video wasnt THAT good..."

    So the group heads home (after Tonya gets in a few snowboarding sessions of course), and they prepare to demolish eachother in the COMM 301 midterm.

    "So what is the midterm on?!" Everyone asks Pedro excitedly.
    "The midterm will be....dun dun duuuunnn (evil music)... AN IMPROMTU SPEECH!"

    Everyone gasped all at once, for they knew, they were no match for Paul, the impromtu speech king.

    But then JZ remembered one important thing he has that Paul doesnt.. his magical speech powers! And so he...

  9. Ryan Takao

    rejoiced at the idea of being able to finally dethrone Paul. Before JZ could do that he had to memorize this ridiculous outline. JZ relentlessly studied, practiced outline after outline. JZ knew he'd be prepared for any kind of disruption after spending time with Kanye. Then JZ remembered he had to...

  10. upon his mind-blowing attention getting powers and upon picking his topic, burst out with the best attention getter anyone had ever seen! Even the professor was amazed, her jaw hanging down from her mouth. The class was frozen to their seats, their eyes glued to JZ, and their ears ached for more of his wonderful speech. As soon as he finished, the audience's applause thundered in the tiny room.

    Even Paul, the reigning impromptu champion, had to admit that the speech was well done. But a smile, casual, yet knowing, grew on his lips as he approached the front of the class. The audience grew quiet, the tension rising as Paul slowly picked out his topic. And JZ watched, beads of sweat gathering on his brow, as Paul's smile widened. And for all his super speech powers of transitions and attention-getters, JZ could not top Paul's impromptu speech. By the end of it, there was no doubt that Paul had done it again. JZ may have super powers, but when it came to impromptu speeches, even he was no match for Paul's abilities.

    But, while the class congratulated Paul on his speech and acknowledged JZ's skills, there was one person who remained seated, watching her opponents carefully. Yes, both of them were gifted with the art of public speaking, but neither of them had memorized the outline as well as she had. Neither of them had prepared themselves as well because they had taken their abilities for granted. Now she, Sara Perry, would show them all how to deliver not just any impromptu speech, but The Mother of All Impromptu Speeches. When she stood up, all eyes followed her as she walked to the front of the class. Sandra's eyes widened as Sara's hand dipped into the envelope. this may very well be the moment Sandra had been waiting all her life for...

  11. ...this moment. When she open her mouth first word coming out, suddenly "Villain Distraction" broke in from the windown and start distract every one. everyone was distracted by "Villain Distraction" Paul was worry about what to do with is kind of distraction. then Johnny Z stand up at the end of the class room with underwear wear outside of the pant using his super power "credibilty, transitions and blowing attention getter" to fight off Villain Distraction. but Villain Distraction was storger then Johnny Z and send Johnny off to the wall. And seem Villain Distraction will distract Paul's speech and Sara's hope will be gone....
    Johnny Zhang

  12. Sara closed hers eyes, breathed deeply and began. The impromptu speech was like beautiful music to the classroom. The power and intensity of her speech seemed to fill the room with an audible energy. The air crackled with electricy, and the walls seemed to flex outward as if the classroom could not contain the wonderous energy created by Sara's words. The students looked at eachother in awe while Paul wept quitely at his desk. Some of their pupils were dilated, and their hair began to stand on end. The windows began to flex outward now, and the clockface shattered. The students hair was standing on end and some of them began to stand up and dance tribally in complete embrace of Sara's awe inspiring speech. Suddenly, the rrom began to hum and then vibrate. The face of the clock shattered as did every cell phone and pair of glasses in the room. Mark shot up from his desk and screamed, "THIS CLASSROOM IS GONNA BLOW!Everyone DOWN!" As Sara reached her memorable ending, a white light erupted and the students covered their ears as the walls and ceiling of the portable classroom exploded in a thuderous blast. Sara stood in the middle fo the wreckage wooden boards and plastic chairs and quitely said, "Thank you." Students began to stand up from underneath the shards of the portable classroom, clapping as they did so. As the applause died down, Sandra looked around dazed and asked if everyone was okay. The students sounded off one by one, until only one was missing. Ryan shouted, "Look!" The students followed his gaze to Sandra's desk, which lay upsidedown on the ground. From underneath it came a few tattered remnants of a glittery, golden cape. The students circled the desk somberly. Johnny Z squeezed to the front to see what everyone was looking at. He looked down, brushed his jeans off and said, "Oh cool my cape! Nice speech Sara." And everyone laughed and agreed that Sara's speech was indeed awesome.

  13. Johnny Z continued to complement Sara on her elequent speech. How her introduction provided the class with just enough information that they all knew what was coming. How she followed it up with a clear thesis that everyone understood. The use of her transition words brought her thesis, the body and conclusion together. Everything was almost perfected commented Johnny Z, as he picked up his cape. However, Johnny Z tells Sara "you must have control of your speech" Let me show you what Sandra has taught me......

    Joel Lopez

  14. the end! Beautiful!!!!!! Ilove it--How rediculous!!!!!
