Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Demonstrations for Dummies

Hi There Everyone--After the midterm it is time for us to work on Informative Speeches--You will speak for 5-7 minutes on an unusual or "revelatory" topic, sure to WOW the crowd! Don't say the word SHOULD or else you've crossed over to the "persuasive" side! You may choose to demonstrate something or even make a How-To speech (ie: how to set up a facebook page or how to plan a train trip....) Pick a topic that excites you, or else we will ALL be bored and have to paint fake open eyeballs on our closed eyelids so you won't know we are SLEEPING....zzzzzzzzzzz.......So for this week's entry, let's start with really BAD topics so we know what we DO NOT want to hear about....Post here, the very WORST possible demonstration topic you can possibly think of...what would be just awful to watch, just painfully dull or straight up rediculous--why would that be abad choice? ...I'll go first: I would not want to hear a demonstration speech about sleeping. Why? is making me drowsy just thinking about it!!!!


  1. Jesse Saeteurn

    I would not want to hear a speech about how to do bowling. The reason is because bowling topic is dry and not anything fun to hear about. Even though it is simple to do which is just roll the bowling ball and hit all of the bowling pins. Basically not much to do from their on out and not much of a variety stuff to do. So just roll the bowling ball.

  2. I would not want to hear a speech about how to tie your shoe. Even though it was informative when we were children, it is irrelevant to my life now because tying my shoes is so simple.

  3. Lisette Settle

    I would not want to hear a speech about how to tie a shoe. The reason I would not like to here a speech about how to tie a shoe is because a topic such as this is boring and uninteresting. Many of us already know how to tie a shoe because we were taught how to tie one at an early age. Therefore, a review of such a topic through a speech would seem quite pointless.

  4. Lisette Settle

    I would not want to hear a speech about dryer lint. I have no idea why anyone would choose to write a speech about dryer lint, but I would find it absolutely boring and irrelevant to any topic of study. No one would want to hear a speech about a dirty ball of fuzz so it would be best to avoid using it as a speech topic.

  5. I would hate to hear a speech about how to brush your teeth. Talk about stating the obvious. I do understand that unfortunately not everyone brushes their teeth and sometimes even those who do brush their teeth still have yellow teeth, but it should not be a topic for a speech. A topic that is so simple and that is done on a daily bases should be avoided. Please don't teach me something I already know. If my breath smells or my teeth are too yellow, tell me on our own time and during class time lol thanks.
    -Natalie Medina

  6. I'm not particular about speeches. I keep an open-mind and can sit through pretty much anything. That's because I'm a boring person to begin with. Haha.

    But, to follow the blog here, I would not want to hear a speech about global warming. It's been done too many times.

  7. I would not like to hear a speech about how to drive because people have their own way of driving and would never listen to others. Even though some people do not know how to drive, they will still end up driving so there is no point of persuading a person not to drive or learning how to drive. This speech would seem pointless to talk about even though there might be laughters. So choose an interesting topic!!

    - Cheng Saephan -

  8. Haha!! Jessie--We have velcro now! Does anyone learn to tie their shoes any more?

  9. I agree with Tan, I would not want to hear an informative speech about topics that have been "over-discussed", such as abortion or global warming. There are some topics that people just talk about too much that I get so tired of hearing about it. Therefore, I think that everyone should make their speeches on topics that are innovative, interesting, and exciting.
    I look forward to hearing everyone's speeches.
    - Annie Leung :)

  10. I would not want to hear a demonstration speech on flossing or basic dental care. We are college students; I believe we should give more meaningful and informative speeches that are advantageous to our societal growth. We need to hear intriguing, intellectual and educative speeches. In addition to Tan and Annie's post, teenage pregnancy is another topic that has been overemphasized. I do look forward to hearing interesting speeches from everyone.

  11. Mary Tacotaco

    I would not want to hear a demonstration on how to make a bed or how to wash clothes. Anything that has to deal with doing a chore should be a DO NOT in my opinion. Chores are something that is done everyday around the house type of thing or an unpleasant job. I'd want to hear demonstrations on interesting things that I would never know how to do.

  12. I would not want to hear a demonstration speech about the colors RED & BLUE!.... would be so boring because who would want to converse about colors and their significance in a 5 min speech let alone A 2 MIN speech. but thats neither here or there. just dont pick something that you think is interesting yourself, pick something that is universally interesting or even questionable.. long as its not colors, i think you might be good.

    Signing off,
    sincerely yours truly,

    Raymond Cardoza

  13. I would not like to hear a speech about how fast food is bad for you .We all know fast food is unhealthy but lets face it when you are college student that's all you have time for sometimes plus it taste good lol !

    sharnell martin

  14. I agree with both Tan as well as Annie! Hearing about "over discussed" topics can be such a drag! The topics may be important but it's seriously just too easy to tune out because your interest is elsewhere. I agree that we need innovative and unique topics to hold everyone's interest!

    Kar'Lei Tan

  15. I'm not too picky about speeches. I feel like there are ways to make almost every topic interesting. If I had to choose I would not want to hear a speech topic about studying. We all have to do enough of it as college students. Also we have all heard from professors 'how to properly study for their class'; I don't really want to hear it all again in a speech.

    Mollie Whalen

  16. Topics that interest me the most have a speaker who is knowledgeable about their subject, a speaker who thinks about their hobby or goals (subject) daily, a speaker who has passion for their topic. The topic could be “cool” or “lame” to any person it is all about how it is presented. I am sure some one in class is interested in sports(I am not) and some one else is probably into computer stuff(I am not) I would also but either subject I am sure has potential to be interesting. For example a new way to interface with a game may soon be applied to remote long distance surgeries or the next step in texting all you have to do is look at the screen... I would like to hear about the newest, amazing, and most sensational stuff that can be applicable to any one; all subjects can be related to the general public or the general public can be made to relate to the subject. For example you may relate what it is like to win a play offs game or why only 10% of any human could ever do that…So I guess the only boring subjects is anything with a speaker who doesn’t care about their topic. OK the ONLY thing that would irritate me to listen to might have to be about Justin Beibers hair… however I guess I could be proven wrong.
    Scott Hall

  17. I would not really want to hear a speech about things that I already know how to do like putting on clothes, brushing my hair or something like that. I feel that a speech can be much more interesting when someone speaks on a subject that you may not know that well so you can learn something new.
    -Jaelyn Archie

  18. Abra Rattanasamay

    I would not really want to hear a speech about how to open a lid off a jar. This topic would be just to ridiculously boring to the bone. The point being is that subjects being to simple makes the speech completely boring. It is something we already know and people will be explaining step by step process of thing we already know......

  19. What would I NOT want to hear a speech about? Filing taxes. Obviously no one can escape the reality of taxes, but at this point in my life it is irrelevant. One day, when I grow up, I will have an established career (that hopefully pays the bills without any leftover stress) and I will have to face reality. It is then that I will either a) learn how or b) pay someone to do them for me. Most likely I will choose option b. Ergo, I do not care nor want to learn about how to file taxes.

  20. I would not want to hear a speech about how to do/make something that most of us would know how to do/make. Nobody wants to hear information that they've already learned, like how to make a sandwich. I would only pay attention because I would want to eat it after the speech was done.

  21. I would not want to hear about the NEWS!!!
    Like anything news related from politics to why abortion should be legalized.
    I DON’T CARE what you think so please do not inform me about this stuff. Yes, it is important, but I do fall asleep when people start talking about the health care plan and all that BORING STUFF!!!

    From the girl who would love a good laugh from a speech,

    Sabeena Ghani

    p. s. I would not want to hear about someone who keeps talking about how awesome they are because that is not awesome at all.

    Please and Thank You :D

  22. I guess anything I don't know about can interest me. I also agree with abortion being used in nearly every persuasive speech. I also don't want to hear about recession. Everybody knows how the economy is and what is going on.

    Yonas mesmer

  23. I would not want to hear a speech on golf. That is a pretty boring sport in my point of view. I'm mean seriously who hadn't happen asleep watching golf??

    Michael olverA

  24. Kimberly Coover
    Communications 300
    I would not want to hear a speech about how to tie your shoe. Even though it was informative when we were children, it is irrelevant to my life now because tying my shoes is so simple.

  25. Mary Tacotaco

    I highly agree with Sabeena....anything that has to deal with politics should not be discussed because everyone has different views on it

  26. awww tacotaco agrees with me :)
    I feel soo special

