Monday, March 21, 2011

Only 4 weeks until SPRING BREAK!!! 3 Part Blog

Hi Gang! Let's talk about PERSUASION! How will you persuade yourself and your classmates to come to class and stick it out for the next 4 weeks...after break it's all coasting downhill, right? RIGHT??? Lets get those grades up and come to every class, why not get the best grade possible?! Everyone has the potential to improve a full letter grade between now and finals! Follow these instructions for this week's pep-talk-blog:

1. ) Visit this site for awesome and realistic persuasive speech tips:
Write a few key ideas/tips down and try them!

2.) Use one thing you learn from this website in #2 to persuade the classmate who posted a problem right before you here on our blog. Persuade them to hang in there! Inspire them to overcome!!! Go in order, so "help" the person who posts immediately before your post.

3.) Post one complaint or struggle you are having in our class, or just school in general this semester. What will be challenging for you between now and BREAK? What's a goal you need a push on? You can use fake names or classes if you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

I'll go first: When the rain and wind are stalling spring's arrival, I get bogged down with grading. I need some good persuasive advise on how to overcome the weather blues and get everything graded so my students know their midterm grades!!!!!!!!!!! Help!!!!!!!!! I'm barely hanging on here...........................


  1. hey, hang in there teach. your a GREAT teacher and your smart so youll most defiantly get it done. long as you focus on whats in front of you. you must also understand that if your student didn't get there grades how stressed or upset they could be. lots of these students need to know these grades for personal reasons, for a progress report, to show a parent or even car insurance to receive a good merit or some sort. and the weather, dont worry about it... it will give you more time to stay home and work on grades and to spend time with your family. and even that much more of a bonus when your done with grades you can spend more time with your daughter, which im sure you been meaning to do. so get in there and "get er done!".

    Raymond Cardoza

  2. Hello Professor , I know it's hard for you to get all your grading done when there is so much to do in so little time and the weather is not helping matters but I believe that you can do it. A great way to get some work done is to go to your favorite coffee spot get a nice big cup. Then find a nice spot that's not by the door and just get to work. If you are not the coffee house type of person, go to your favorite place in the house and get to work . I have the same problem I'm taking 15 units and I have much to I get no sleep so sometimes I just want to sleep in and just forget all about the work I have to do .I also feel so rushed to get so many projects and assignments done. I don't even know what to do .If you any suggestions please let know .
    Sharnell martin

  3. Think positive get the work done and the semester will be over in no time! You can do it Teach you are a great class leader and am sure you wont let us down!
    We are over half way now, It’s gona be a bright bright sunshiny day,
    We are on the down hill, Almost out of the woods, and Things are looking up!

    "When I started counting my blessings,
    my whole life turned around."
    Willie Nelson

    My issue this semester has to do with the multi tasking. I have been not managing my study time well. I have been concentrating on one class at a time pushing for a paper or test and putting the other classes off until they urgently need me. It is like a yo-yo effect
    (i was just finishing this up when sharnell Pasted)
    Scott Hall

  4. Drew Kruschel

    Responding to Sharnell:
    Hang in there! If you're feeling too tired you can go to bed early and get up early to start on work, if that's what works for you. Otherwise, just get an energy drink or some coffee and stay awake at all costs. Get focused and get your work done. Make a plan. Be sure to set aside time to study and do homework and also some down-time, even if it's just once a week you have to allow yourself some time to recuperate. Set goals for yourself so that when you complete them you'll get that sense of satisfaction. You'll see the rewards with lots of good grades that will persuade you to keep going! I know it's hard but with some determination, you can do it! You'll get through it and you'll have the grades and gpa to show off as a result!

    My problem is that I have trouble getting motivated. I forget my big goal and just focus on the fact that I don't want to do the work involved in school. I'm also unsure as to where my education is going and it makes me even more unmotivated and unfocused. Help motivate me!

  5. Lisette Settle

    Responding to Drew:
    Drew, you are not alone! I have been having the exact same problem lately, but here is something to keep you motivated. When it seems like you can no longer focus on your future goals to get you motivated through the hard work, try thinking about your past accomplishments. Think about events in the past where you worked hard or pulled all-nighters to finish a project and you managed to wow your teacher and be the envy of your classmates. It also helps to remember that you have probably faced more challenging tasks than the one you are about to face, so this one should be no sweat! Your past accomplishments shouldn't be kept in the past. Use them to your advantage to accomplish future tasks and you will go far!!!

    My problem involves math. I have never been good at math, but this time my grade is suffering. I always get 100% on the homework but my problem is the quizzes and tests. People tell me to go to tutors or the math lab, but they just go over problems from the homework. My problem isn't the homework! I just said I do well on the homework! It's the action of taking the test or quiz because that is when I freeze up, and my mind seems to go blank. Someone please help me!!!! I have had this problem for a long time!!!!

  6. Hello professor,

    What seems to work for me when I need to get things done is find a quiet place at home and get to work. I don't know about the weather because I feel like I will get more work done with bad weather since I don't want to be out there anyways and sometimes it gets boring at home. I know exactly how hard it is I'm taking 14 units and work full time. Like Drew said you will see alot of good grades knowing you're doing a good job.

    My problem was I like to go out with friends a lot but now I'm tired of school so I'm trying to get it out the way. O just dot want to spend so much time in school knowing there are several people out there who have so much in life and didn't go to school or I fell I'm much smarter than.

    Yonas Mesmer

  7. Jesse Saeteurn

    Responding to Yonas:
    Hey Yonas, I know how you feel man. I see others that hasn't got as much of education and yet they are doing well in life. Now I think about that if I earn my degree and find a job that will pay me well, it will benefit me in getting a raise and have a lot of knowledge when doing ,y job. At least you have the smarts and other have their limits in knowing some stuff, but remember education is important and you can achieve most out of your education which will apply to the requirement in getting those jobs out in the open. You will also gain the respect from others because you have gone so far in school and people know where you came from and what did you do to achieve it.

    My problem for this semester is that the upcoming midterm and test combine is frustrating because I have to memorize both subject for my classes to be able to do the test and midterm. Memorizing both gives me the headache and I can't think two at once for both test and midterm and it is on the same day. I need an advice on what to do. So can anyone help me out?

  8. To Jesse
    Your an awesome person who is always on task with everything. Things might get tough, but you know how to take control of your tasks. Do everything at your own speed and just don't procrastinate. You already have taken the first step in realizing that there isn't much time and it's time to take control now. Studying in a quite environment with a healthy meal and some water on the side can help the headache from happening. You really need to get your hours of sleep because that might be another part of your frustration of the headache. If you need help with memorization then start eating almonds everyday. Almonds are known to help people with their memory. Your an excellent student and you will succeed to whatever you put your mind into it. Good luck classmate :) and let me know how it goes after midterms

    My problem this semester is that my life is starting to overwhelm me. Having my first job, full time school, cooking everyday (so I can eat healthy), taking care of my dog, working out, and having my me time is sorta tiring. When I start studying, I start to fall asleep because of the long days. I don't have time for family and friends because of this including the weekends because I just want to sleep. I don't know just what to am I suppose to fit others in my busy schedule when I don't even have time to talk to the people I live in the same house with?

    Sabeena Ghani

  9. Sabeena:

    I totally feel your pain and am experiencing exactly what you are currently! It's important to keep in mind that there a lot of people in your shoes and you can count on other's to lift your spirits! Even though it would be next to impossible to fix all your problems, sometimes it's nice to just let it all out in the open and just have a venting session. I know work and school are incredibly important and are clearly a top priority, it's important to alway make a little time for yourself and others. A couple hours here and there of free time can make all the difference when it comes to balancing everything. Even just talking to the people around you about what's going on in your life can be a good way to communicate with people close to you and keep them in the loop.

    My current problem is studying.... I seriously just can't do it. It's not so much that I don't have the time, it's the fact that after going to full days of school and full days of work I just want to lay in bed and relax and watch TV. I need some serious motivation to study for my math class.... which I hate.....HELP!

    Kar'Lei Tan

  10. Kar'lei,

    I know how you feel about having to juggle school with everything else going on in your life. You should just try to make sure that you plan a certain time to do work and after you are finished then you can just relax from it all. Sometimes it can be really stressful but when you finish with everything you will feel so much better and accomplished.

    I have trouble just staying motivated sometimes especially when things get hard in my classes or things do not necessarily go the way that I want it to go in my classes and it can become overwhelming sometimes. Also i can sometimes procrastinate which makes me even more stressed.
    -Jaelyn Archie

  11. I understand how you feel Kar'Lei. Procrastination seems to play a major role in the lives of students. At some point, everything with school seems to be overwhelming. What I would advise is that you draw up a roster listing your daily activities; include days/times for studying and choose what subject you'd want to study at particular times. This would help get rid of the spirit of procrastination. Also, make sure you include homeworks' deadlines and upcoming exams or quizzes on your roster, that way, you'd know how to prioritize your readings.

    I struggle with having to balance my school life with my domestic life. I have relatives I provide financial support to when I can barely cater to my own needs. Unfortunately, they think of America as a land that money grows on trees! My inability to balance this out has made school stressful for me.

  12. Kimberly Coover
    Com 300

    I think that the best advice for you to follow is your own and what you told KarLei to do. A good way to manage work and school is by making a set schedule of time to work and study, but also give yourself some time to relax and have to yourself. Just keep yourself on track and stay focused on what you need to get done.

    Something that I struggle with is dedicating my time to school. I often put school work aside and forget about the homework I need to do. I procrastinate often and need help on focusing more on getting my school work done first and having fun after.

  13. Hi Bea,
    I know that balancing school and personal life is the hardest thing for a student to do. I myself struggle to balance school work and family time also. But thinking about the outcome of all of your hard work in the end, I'm sure you will think that all of this struggling is worth it. I'm pretty sure that you are coming to school to gain more knowledge and skills for a better job that interests you. Also, with your achievements in school, you'll be able to get a better paying job in the future to support your family. It is true that it is hard right now. But everything will become better. Look forward to that! Before you know it, you'll be done with all this struggling and enjoying life! :)
    The problem I'm having right now is quite similar to Bea's. I think that I'm taking on too many things at once this semester. I'm taking 17 units. I work as a tutor in the math lab. I am a beacon tutor for basic chemistry, microbiology and anatomy & physiology. I help my little cousins with school work on weekends. And I need to spend tome with my family too. I don't have anytime for myself. :(
    Annie Leung :)

  14. Hey Annie, hang in there. All your hard work will help you with your future. Your such a hard worker that you've help students. I know you can do 17 units just fine because many other students can do it. Also, you should take some time for yourself during spring break. Don't work too hard and stress. And also always make time for your family because they are important. So stay in school and come to this fun class!!!
    One of my struggle in school general is accounting. Ive been going to tutoring and have help from classmate but I'm still having troubles with the test. I really need to pass this class because it's important. I don't want to stay here any longer because I been here too long. Other than that, I like where I'm at right now.

    Cheng Saephan

  15. Hey Cheng keep your head up! I know accounting and math in general can be pretty taxing, but remember that with practice and determination, you will succeed! May i suggest that if you haven't already talk with your teacher or even see if another teacher might be able to give you some tips to help you out, or teach you another method that works for you. Just remember that when things get too much or stressful instead of getting frustrated, take a lil breather and treat yourself to a walk, a tv show or anything else you enjoy. A lot of the time these simple pleasures help me out to relax and get my mind re-focused!

    One of my struggles in general isn't too much school related but it affects my school. i have to have surgery but unfortunately i have no insurance, so im sick frequently. This is where it affects my schoolwork among other things. its just hard to not get frustrated but the medical program suck! lol

    Michael Olvera

  16. Dear Michael,
    So sorry to hear you have to have surgery. I wish I could say something easy and school-related such as, "Study hard! I know you can do it!" But, all I can say is that I hope you get better and get all those headache medical bills solved. :/

    Now onto my school problem, without trying to feel as though I'm brushing dear Michael's sickness off. Since this is my last semester and have already been accepted to another school, sometimes it feels like I don't need to do the work. But I know I'm wrong! Also, my little pup got sick around midterms and turned me into a sobbing basket case which didn't help AT ALL. But I still must power through the rest of my time at SCC so I can move to my "old Kentucky home."

  17. Hello Holly...
    Let me start off by saying congratulations to you on your acceptance to Kentucky. That's really cool I know you must have worked super hard and you desire it. Now about your little problem. Although you did already get accepted somewhere else, your last semester at Sac City actually is a bit important. Believe it or not schools reserve the right to deny anyone even if they have already been accepted. Although you might not know this, a lot of times schools will look at your records to see how you've done in your previous school. They want to see if you were a dedicated student through out or just when you wanted to be. A lot of times they don't care about how well you start, but about how strong you finish. Even if it doesn't affect you, you should want to give it your all in all you do. I know you like riding horses, so do you only ride a horse when a competition is coming up? No!!! You ride to better your skills so when a competition comes up, you'll be prepared at anytime. Same thing with school. Just because you leave doesn't mean that feeling of not wanting to do things leaves, you just have to learn how to overcome it. I am sorry to hear about your pup I do hope all is well now. Stay motivated and finish strong!!! Good luck in Kentucky =)

    I am the worse procrastinator ever!!! I know I shouldn't be and I know all the reasons why its bad but I can't help it. So far it has worked for me. How do I make time ahead of time lol so that I won't have to stress last minute???

    -Natalie Medina

  18. Hi Natalie. Procrastination is a common feature of any student. Hehe. My friend says he waits until the last day before an essay is due to do all the research and typing necessary! Fortunately, I don't have this problem. Well, not now anyways. I used to procrastinate a lot in high school, but I hated the stresses associated with rushing at the last minute, so I do things beforehand, now.

    To address your problem, you should start doing parts of an assignment early. For me, if I do just a little, then I will lose my "train of thought" for continuing the assignment the next time. So, I do bigger chunks of an assignment. The trick is to know when to stop at an assignment, without completing the entire thing. This is a skill that needs practice; but, once you get it, you'll be very happy with yourself. I guarantee it.

    My problem in the class is just speaking in front of a large crowd. I'm fine when speaking to 3 people or something, but it's hard to keep the attention of 20+ people. This is also my last semester at SCC, so I kind of slack off too. Maybe I can get better grades in my classes, but I don't. Lol.

  19. Hi Tan!

    I also have the problem of speaking in front of a large crowd. I'm very surprised with this because you seem so comfortable speaking to the class! You keep the class interested, especially with your last speech since it was something personal. What you can do to face your fears of speaking in front of a large crowd is to memorize your speech and practice practice practice! When memorizing a speech, you will feel more comfortable because you know what you'll be discussing. Also, practice in the mirror or find a focus point in the classroom so that you won't have to see the crowd listening to you speak and look around occasionally when pausing or taking a deep breath for the next point you will be discussing.

    Congratulations on leaving SCC Tan! Keep your mind focused on school and enjoy your last semester here at SCC.

    My problem is very similar to Tan's. Even though we've done a couple of speeches already and know each other through the speeches quite well, speeches still make me nervous! Even if I practice my speech. Once I go up there, I see all eyes on me and I know I'm the only one they are listening mind goes blank and my voice starts to crack. Another problem is stressing out with all my classes. I'm taking 17 units and let me tell is definitely not the business! Also, I live with people who go to Sac state so last week I felt like I was on spring break which means I definitely didn't put my full 100% dedication to my assignments.

    -Mary Tacotaco

  20. Responding to Mary,
    Hey Mary I can completely relate to your problem about slacking off. Im taking 16 units and have 2 jobs so I feel you on not wanting to put in the remaining time you have onto school. My advice for that is to make sacrafices. Time is limited to 24 hours in a day and sometimes you cant get to do all the things you wanted to get done in the day. You need to look at whats important to you and accomplish those things first. Friends will always be there for you and they get it that sometimes you wont be able to hangout because you got school work to do. As for the speech part, Im right there with you! I get so nervouse when I have to do a speech and my mind gets all scrambled up and my speech turns out not as good as I was expecting as well. The things that have helped me a ton is actually practicing a few times in front of my friends or family. Its good because who's gonna be more honest than the people closest to you so they can help you with what they feel like you're stuggling with. Another good thing to do is read over your speech right before you go to sleep. It helps you retain your speech better and will make you feel more confident that you know the material. That way when it comes speech time you'll feel way more relaxed and confident. :]

    My problem is that its hard for me to find topics that I'm genuinely interested in. I can talk about a bunch of stuff but not do a complete speech on it. My fear is that when I go and do research on a topic I enjoy I'll end up hating it later because of all the time I had to put into preparing the speech.

    -Mackenzie Rossi
